May/June 2017 England's Pennine Way and Scotland's Northwest Highlands

Bob hiked the entire 270 mile Pennine Way, still considered by many the most challenging long path in England, in 16 days in late May/early June. Mike E. joined him for all but the last two days (about 240 miles), while Dave joined him for more than the northern half (about 150 miles). The Pennine Way traverses the spine of central and northern England from Edale in the Peak District, north through the Yorkshire Dales and Northumberland National Park to Kirk Yetholm just across the border of Scotland. After reaching Kirk Yetholm, Bob and Dave continued on to the Northwest Highlands of Scotland to revisit famous hikes/climbs that weather prevented them from completing in 2016 and try some new ones. Given that this was the UK, the weather wasn't perfect, but it was far better than for the 2016 trek.

Pictures are by Bob, Dave and Mike – Bob produced the report.

Pictures at

May 19-23 2017 Treadways of England's Pennine Way - Over the first several days of Mike E.'s walk on the Pennine Way, he found the diversity of its footpath interesting enough to make a photo record of it. Bob added a picture or two and compiled them into this album.