Extra for Gender and Sport

PART TWO: Please answer the following writing prompt in a paragraph, using complete sentences and your best writing ability. Post your response on a new page on your personal Google website.

"Define the following concepts: sex, gender, and identity. What are their similarities and differences? How do the media typically represent male, female, same sex oriented, and transgendered athletes? What do you think about these representations? Have you ever advocated for sports equity? If so, explain."

PART THREE: Please choose four (4) of the following texts. Analyze each, using the graphic organizer that Dr. Carolyn provides you.

KidsSports (Magazine)

Male athletes and traditional attitudes (blog)

Bigger, Stronger, Faster (documentary film trailer)

"Mark Texiera Should Play Girls Sports" (newspaper article)

"Gino Goes for the Gold," by Best (college newspaper)

Six Ways the Media Represents Female Athletes (slideshow)

A Girl's Guide to Sports (blog)

"Soccer Player Slaps Female Reporter --- And FIFA Does Nothing," by Brown (magazine article)

Britney Griner and Race, Gender, Sexuality, and Sports (blog)

"Rumors of Homosexuality Stifled Kordell Stewart." (blog)

N.F.L. Prospect Michael Sams Proudly Said What Teammates Knew: He Was Gay" (newspaper article)

"Sexual Orientation Becoming a Hot Topic in Sports" (newspaper article)