Process and Ideas for Composing: A Curated Collection of Texts

Here is the Template for a Curated Collection of Texts. Please make a copy and complete it.

The Process

1) Review the text choices in each column

You will notice that there are four columns of texts in the table for this unit. The columns represent narratives you can read about real life, view, listen to, and experience through literature. Each of these columns represents a different way to think about the unit we are currently studying.

Click through these options to find one text from each column that speaks to you. You might choose four that all come from similar time periods. Or you might like the themes that emerge as a pattern. You might just choose four that you just like upon first glance. You decide what works for you. As you choose each of the four, enter its name and its author on the provided template. Title this group of selection with this week’s unit title. This will represent your commitment to analysis of these four artifacts. They will become the foundation for your interpretation and composition with this unit.

2) Search for patterns and analyze them

Take time now to become immersed in each text: read, view, and listen. As you are learning the text and the ideas within it, take notes. As you work through the texts, ask yourself, “What do these texts have in common?” List as many ideas as you can. The texts may discuss similar topics, themes, social or cultural constructs, theories, or other commonalities.

Then, in 1-3 complete sentences, clearly state and describe the principle that unifies the four texts shown on each page. If you can, pitch your ideas to a focus group of students to get their feedback and input. Point to specific "evidence" within each text to convince your focus group that the value you are applying is a valid assertion.

3) Synthesis through common values

Overview: You’ll write 1-2 sentences stating your selected value, including a brief description of the value, as well as a statement telling readers how it applies to each artifact. You can identify your own values or choose from a list of Dominant American Values. (But the values you choose do not necessarily have to reflect American ways of living.)

4) Submit the process you went through above for a grade.

Review the work you did in the first three steps. Copy and paste your writing and analysis onto a sub-page of your personal Google website under this unit.

Ideas for Composing

Now that you have chosen four texts and synthesized them through American values, it's time for you to explore the Compose Something options. These options will allow you to design something, say something, or write something. Use your choice of composition to reflect the unifying principle of your three artifacts.

Oh, and by the way, over our next units, you’ll have to choose from all three ways of composing. So--- choose well now, so you’ll feel good about your remaining options later.


Design a real world final product for a visual message


Create a Prezi

Plan and execute a visual metaphor

Construct a graffiti wall

Map out a concept

Explain on a poster

Create original art

Dust Jacket project

Graphic novel pages



Video game


Art Gallery

Magazine pages (try


A series of memes


Say something with the sound and tone of any real world audio message




Create a TV or internet PSA

Museum audio clip

Original song lyrics

Do a voice over for a commercial

Oral Review Podcast

Talk show for TV or Radio



A Minute of Perspective (based on the CBS Sports Minute format)


Write something in the genre of any real world written message


Analytical essay

Argumentative essay

Found poem

Journal or blog



Letter or diary entry

Wikipedia entry

Original work of fiction


TV show pilot script

Tabloid newspaper page

Visual analysis

Discourse analysis

Moderate a (fictitious) online discussion