Barnyard Trivia

This would be a supper table "Trivial Pursuit"-type game which would exercise the brain cells (instead of the lower back muscles like most farm chores...)  It would be a fun, educational game for the whole family.  Folks could even add questions based on their own farm experience!

> line up 6 major topics with "Fields of Study" (like Trivial Pursuit cards)...

1. Livestock - red

2. Plants & Crops - green

3. People, Culture & History - blue

4. Farm Equipment & Science - yellow

5. Farm Land & Geography - purple

6. Farm Business & Law - gray


A few possible examples might be:

What is a newborn calf called?  ANS:  a deacon

Most beef cattle are very docile, except for one breed - which one is it?  ANS:  Brahmans

What are oxen?  ANS:  castrated bulls used for draft work


What flower blooms pink in basic soils and blue in acidic soils?  ANS:  the hydrangea


What chicken has black-pigmented skin?  ANS:  the Asian Silkie


What is a clevis?  ANS:  a type of tractor hitch

What animal is the State Animal of Missouri?  ANS:  the mule


see also > American Trivia Federation