What are you contributing to society?

If what I do is drudgery, I contribute drudgery to society.

If a person creates 5000 jobs of drudgery, that person contributes 5000 times drudgery to society (even if those jobs are called "charity").

If what I do is joy, I contribute joy to society.

If a person's joy leads 5000 people to quit drudgery jobs (even if those jobs are called "charity") that person contributes 5000 times joy to society.

Joy feeds the world in every way, spiritually, mentally, and, inevitably, physically.

Drudgery malnourishes the world in every way, spiritually, mentally, and, inevitably, physically, despite its thousands of jobs, thousands of charities, and thousands of politicians & preachers with pasted-on smiles.

If you don't believe me, look around.


Drudgery is jealous and resentful of Joy.  Drudgery, despite its being drudgery, is a jealously zealous evangelist, and will do everything in its power to proselytize its ways, to colonize the entire world, to convert Joy into Drudgery.  And Drudgery will most often do it with a smile, pasted on.