
I am currently not teaching any courses.

I am part of the Danish corps of external examiners within economics most often used for courses on microeconomics as well as theses on economic development in Africa.

Teaching experience

Guest lecturer in courses at the Centre of African Studies 2013-2015.

Approaches to development, M.Sc. Aarhus University, 2011-2013. Lecture on microfinance.


Academic advisor on bachelor thesis', 2010, 2011 and 2012, University of Southern Denmark


Advanced microeconometrics, M.Sc. University of Southern Denmark, 2009, 2010, 2011, teaching assistant.


Microeconomics, B.Sc. University of Southern Denmark, fall 2010. Lectures on assymmetric information and credit market imperfections.


Microeconomics, B.Sc. Copenhagen Business School, spring 2008. Teaching assistant.