Publications and working papers


Impact of village savings and loans associations: Evidence from a cluster randomized trial. Joint work with Christopher Ksoll, Helene Bie Lilleør and Ole Dahl Rasmussen. Journal of Development Economics volume 120, May 2016, Pages 70–85.


Can microfinance reach the poorest: Evidence from a community managed microfinance intervention. Joint work with Ole Dahl Rasmussen. World Development volume 64, December 2014, Pages 460–472.

The microeconomics of household behaviour in Sub-Saharan Africa: Experimental and quasi-experimental evidence. PhD thesis at the University of Southern Denmark.

Working papers

Shocks and risk-coping strategies among poor rural households in Mozambique. Joint work with Andreas Kuchler and Øystein Juul-Nielsen.


Does personality influence project participation? Evidence from rural Malawi. Joint work with Helene Bie Lilleør. RFF Study Paper No. 31, January 2011