AL LA, VIZ A VIZ, THAT IS, MULLUMBIMBY GOLF CLUB, that is the main subject of this "MY GOLF STUFF" page.

The above little collage is of the minders of the golf course, they eat balls, crap on the greens, honk like an 18 wheeler, but they have been here for god knows how long.

That reminds me. Bloke on the 12th, goose crap on green, turns to his mate, "I got shit on me putter", old mate replies, "both ends old son".

I am afraid the pot of gold eluded me on this day, but what a sight, guaranteed no "PhotoShop"

Up and coming junior boy golfer shows no fear when blasting out of the pond on the 12th hole. And it ended 10 foot from the hole, and he sunk the put.

To say that I am a 'golf tragic' would be an understatement. They say that if you play on a handicap of 19 you are in the "average" bracket as a golfer, that means in golfers analogy that "you play average golf". WTF!, Going back a few years, 1976 in fact, my first handicap was 22, gradually working down to 12, I am now on 20.

it seems that the word average has several connotations or moot points in golf speak to consider, such as, is the handicap achievable, venerable, is it average(able), this is the question.

My take on this comes down to the average golfers comments when asked; "how 'ja go", the answer is invariably "just friggen average".

So boys and girls, there is no such person as an average golfer or an average handicap, look at the score cards on an average day, like where is the consistency, like how come I pay out so many two bobs. One last comment, if I am an average golfer, "why am I so pisspoor."

OK, got that out of the way. Golf is the greatest personality leveler of all sports, millions of words have been used to describe the "Noble Game", and while not a cheap activity, where would you see so such pleasing scenery on the majority, if not all, golf courses. But hang in there, did you really take the time to appreciate the views, the wild life, the trees. Bet 'ya gave it a coursey glance, forgive the pun.

And so to the chase. Any further comments will be sparse, you will be spared my useless repartee, have a look at some picture images and video of my favorite place , that is, putting aside the bottom of my chardonnay glass.

ORMOREGOT, can this be the highest stable-ford golf score in the world. John Seal had albatrosses, holes in one, eagles, he even had some lousy pars. Good stuff that man, and his mate Greg Lettman was just behind with 54 points.