Morrison, Robert


Died December, 1741

One son known, John. (From the Draper Manuscripts)

My guess is Robert immigrated to the States from Scotland or Ireland. My present research is for John's parents and records of by what means he immigrated to the States. I have had little luck researching this. Any ideas are welcome and can be e-mailed to me:

I have read some recent research by Marie and Janet Morrison on the Morrison's of Rocky River Presbyterian Church in Cabarrus County North Carolina. They have researched three Morrison brothers named John, James, and Robert. The Robert listed in their research does not have the same death date as the above Robert, and other dates don't quite line up, so that may or may not be the same Robert. But listed are some reasons why there me be SOME TYPE of relationship with this line of Morrisons.:

1. The continued use of the names Robert and wife Sarah and John and wife Mary through descending generations.

2. John, James, and Robert's father's name was John Morison (yes, one "r") of Scotland.

3. The Campbelltown area of Scotland (and the former county of Arygll) in Southwestern Scotland had nine Dukes or Earls named Archibald (1513 - 1761), another very prominent name in this Morrison family line.

These may be weak connections, but it is all I have at this time... (5-28-05)

Reference: Descendants of John & Mary Morrison of Rocky River, By Marie and Janet Morrison (1996) along with companion books on James and Jennet and Robert and Sarah.