choice board options

These are your options for work on each learning target you do in class. Must complete all 5 parts for credit. The scoring rubric (NAPD) is at the very bottom.

Rubrics for each product


  1. Must have at least 4 movable pieces.

  2. Must have a written set of rules.

  3. Must have at least 20 squares or spaces.

  4. Must have at least 20 questions related to the learning target.

  5. Must be 8.5x11 or larger.

Card sort

  1. Must have at least 20 cards related to the learning target.

  2. Cards must be an equal mix of:





  1. Must have an answer key or correct answers for the cards.

  2. Cards must come in their own carrying case/baggie with your name and LT on it.

  3. Must “quiz” 2 or more students with your card sort.


  1. Must be at least 8.5x11.

  2. Must have pictures and information.

  3. The information must be in paragraph format and in your own words.

  4. Must include at least 10 facts.

  5. Bibliography/sources* must be included.

*Sources means the website you used. “My brain” and “I already knew about this stuff” is not a valid source.

Class game

  1. Game must allow for all class members to participate.

  2. Must have multiple opportunities for questions related to the LT during the game.

  3. Questions and answers must be turned in to the teacher.

  4. Must be inventive or a new variation of a known game.

  5. Must receive meaningful feedback* from the class on the game (+’s and -’s).

*Feedback sessions are not the time to roast or be mean to classmates.


  1. Must be at least 8.5x11.

  2. Must have at least 6 cells.

  3. Must have meaningful dialogue about the LT.

  4. Must have color.

  5. Must present to class via document camera for feedback.*

*Feedback sessions are not the time to roast or be mean to classmates.


  1. Must be 1-3 minutes long.

  2. May be either live or recorded.

  3. Must include 5 or more facts related to the LT.

  4. Script must be turned in and include sources* of your facts.

  5. Must receive meaningful feedback* from the class on the commercial (+’s and -’s).

*Feedback sessions are not the time to roast or be mean to classmates.

*Sources means the website you used. “My brain” and “I already knew about this stuff” is not a valid source.


  1. Must be a 3D model.

  2. Must explain the relationship between 2+ systems or explain the relationship of parts found within a system.

  3. Model must contain 1 or more moving/interactive parts.

  4. Must include one unobservable phenomenon. Describe its possible impact on your model.

  5. Must attach a 3x5 notecard describing 2+ limitations that your model exhibits.


  1. Must be neatly written or typed.

  2. Must be at least 4 paragraphs*

and about the LT.

  1. Must identify a specific problem or challenge related to the LT.

  2. Must identify a specific and realistic solution to the problem.

  3. Must include a list of sources.*.

*a paragraph = 5+ sentences

*must be in your own words, I use a plagiarism extension!

Graph/data set

1. Must have a full-page graph.

2. Make sure it “TALKS”.

3. Must include a brief discussion of possible temporal and spatial connections to your graph/data.

4. Must include a brief discussion of what you notice about the graph.

5. Must include a brief discussion of what you wonder about the graph.


  1. Person chosen for the interview must be an “expert” and qualified to provide answers.

  2. Must have at least 8 questions about the LT/week’s topic.

  3. Must turn in the questions and answers to the teacher.

  4. Must turn in links to 2+ websites used to get your answers.*

  5. Interview must be done as a video or in front of class.

*needs to be the whole link. Saying “google” or “Wikipedia” is not a valid answer.

Point of view

  1. Identify 2 sides of an argument about the LT. Must include:

1 intro paragraph and 1+ paragraphs for each side.

  1. Must include a discussion of who the possible winners and losers are in the argument.

  2. For the losing side, what are their next options?

  3. Must include your opinion and why you think that.

  4. Must include a list of citations in APA format.

Museum exhibit

  1. Must include at least 5 “artifacts” about the LT.

  2. Each artifact must have a label that describes how it relates to the LT.

  3. Must include at least one interactive or moveable artifact.

  4. Must present the exhibit in some format (teacher only, whole class, or a video)

  5. Must turn in a list of links (2+) used to gather the info.*

*needs to be the whole link. Saying “google” or “Wikipedia” is not a valid answer.

News report

  1. Must address the who, what when, and why about the LT.

  2. Must be 1-3 minutes in length.

  3. Script of the news report must be turned in. (typed or written)

  4. Must turn in a self-reflection page that answers:

-What was your biggest obstacle to finishing?

-How did you benefit your class by doing this project?

-What would you do differently next time?

-What are you most proud of with this project?

  1. Must turn in a list of links (2+) used to gather info for this news report.*

*needs to be the whole link. Saying “google” or “Wikipedia” is not a valid answer.

Science lab

1. Identify a phenomenon/event that you can test. Create a hypothesis.

2. Identify the independent & dependent variables, controls, tools needed, and how measurements will be recorded/collected.

2. Collect data.

3. Display your data in a table and a graph that “TALKS”.

4. Must include a discussion of weaknesses or areas of potential error in the way you carried out your lab.

5. Must include a discussion of how your lab relates to real-world science.


  1. Must be about the LT.

  2. Must be 3-5 minutes long.

  3. The script and websites used must be turned in before or with play/skit.*

  4. Must be live or recorded.

  5. Must present 5+ facts about the LT.

*needs to be the whole link. Saying “google” or “Wikipedia” is not a valid answer.

Presentation (solo)

  1. Must be about the LT.

  2. Must include 10+ informational slides.

  3. Must not have more than 10 words on each slide.

  4. Slides must be in your own words, not copy/pasted in.

  5. Last slide must include full links to websites used.

Presentation (group)

  1. Must be about the LT.

  2. Must include 10+ informational slides.

  3. Must not have more than 10 words on each slide. All group members must speak.

  4. Slides must be in your own words, not copy/pasted in.

  5. The last slide must include full links to websites used.


  1. Must be about the LT.

  2. Must be original (not found or sung by someone else before).

  3. Must turn in words with song/rap.

  4. Must be at least 2 minutes long.

  5. Must turn in a list of sources used for information.


  1. Must be about the LT.

  2. Must quest through at least 5 high-quality websites.

  3. Websites must be hyperlinked in the document.

  4. Must contain at least 3 questions from each website.

  5. Must be submitted via google slides or google docs.


  1. Questions must only be about the LT.

  2. Must contain 15+ questions.

  3. Must have an answer key.

  4. Must be turned in on google docs.

  5. Must include at least 1 question involving a picture or diagram.

Article critique

1. Select 2+ articles/videos on the learning target. Summarize each one.

2. Determine the credibility and/or bias of each source using fact-checking websites

3. Identify 1+ pieces of qualitative information found within the articles.

4. Identify 1+ pieces of quantitative information found within the articles.

5. Communicate your final thoughts on the learning target by synthesizing all the information you’ve gathered into a written or verbal presentation.

*Info on what fact-checking, qualitative, and quantitative info means can be found on my class website.

Free choice proposal

  1. What specific* topic or idea will your project be about?

  2. What are your 5 grading criteria?

  3. What will your end product look like?

  4. What materials will you need to create your project?

  5. How did you get the idea for this proposal?

*Be as specific as possible. Including the LT in this can be helpful to you.

In your own backyard.

  1. Must be about the LT.

  2. Find and summarize 3+ articles or videos on the LT that have taken place in Louisville or the state of KY.

  3. Must include a discussion of how this topic affects you.

  4. Must teach/inform a family member on this topic and how it affects you. What was their reaction?

  5. Must include links to articles or videos used.

So you want to be an engineer?

  1. Identify a real problem or dilemma about the LT.

  2. Brainstorm a list of 4+ realistic solutions.

  3. Research* your solutions and pick the best.

  4. Carry out or build the solution you thought was best and test it.

  5. Identify where/why your solution failed and how you would specifically make it better next time.

scoring guide:


  • Completes all 5 parts of the project.

  • Is able to make connections between content learned in class with content learned outside of class or in previous years.

  • Applies a wide range of vocabulary fluently, accurately, and appropriately.

  • Uses detailed relevant facts to show understanding through accurate and precise descriptions, explanations, and examples.


  • Completes all 5 parts of the project requirements.

  • Is able to use content learned in class to accurately explain the learning target.

  • Uses content vocabulary accurately.

  • Uses relevant facts to show understanding through accurate descriptions, explanations, and examples.


  • Completed 4 parts of the project requirements.

  • Is able to use content learned in class to accurately explain the learning target.

  • Uses some content vocabulary accurately and appropriately.

  • Use mostly relevant facts and usually shows understanding through descriptions, explanations, and examples though they may be basic or superficial.


  • Completed 3 or fewer parts of the project requirements.

  • Is able to Communicate with some clarity but

The project may be inaccurate or inappropriate as

related to the task, purpose, or audience.

Board game, Pov, Worksheet, News report, Play/Skit, Song/Rap, Article critique, Comic, Interview, Museum Exhibit

Essay, Card sort, Webquest, Presentation (group), Graph, In your own backyard, Class game, Model, Science lab

So you want to be an engineer?, Brochure, Presentation (solo), Commercial, Free choice,