Primary & Secondary Sources

How are these types of sources similar?  

How are they different?

Native American Culture

What was important in Native American cultures?  

How have Native American cultures influenced our culture today? 

What do these primary sources tell about about Native Americans before Europeans arrived?

Hiawatha's Speech


Powhatan's Prophecy

Jamestown settlement

English settlers sailed to Virginia in 1607 in the hopes of finding gold and making a profit for the Virginia Company.

Click on the image to learn more about Jamestown!


Economics- the study of how money is made and used within a particular country or region 

Budget- a plan for what to do with your money

Income- money that you receive

Expense- money that you spend

Click the image to practice!

This is an example of a budget for one month. 

  • How much does this person make in a month?
  •  Did they budget for wants or needs first? 
  • Which expenses are considered needs? How much do they have left over at the end of the month? 
  • What do you think they should do with that extra money?

13 colonies

It all started with the settlement at Jamestown.  What happened next?

What was life like in the New England Colonies, Middle Colonies, and Southern Colonies?

American revolution

(click to read more!)

Major Events that Led to Independence:

Key Vocabulary:

Major Events:

Declaration of Independence- the document written to King George III to explain why the United States was separating from Great Britain

Constitution and Bill of Rights

Which rights are protected in the U.S. Constitution? 

Bill of Rights

3 branches of government

3 Branches of Government: The powers of the government are split between the 3 branches, so each branch has a unique role. 

Checks and Balances:  Each branch checks the other branches to make sure one branch doesn't become too powerful.

Technological Advances

How have technological advances in transportation and communication allowed people to overcome geographic obstacles?

Check out this map to see how population has changed over time in the United States!

How do changes in communication and transportation affect populations and economies?

Westward Expansion


Learn about the famous journey of Lewis, Clark, Sacagawea, and York, and how they traveled across the Louisiana Territory.

why did people move west?

Voluntary Migration:

Forced Migration:

Reconstruction & Civil Rights

The basics of the Civil War

Civil Rights Leaders

Explore this choice board to learn about several civil rights leaders and the rights they fought for.

Civil Rights Leaders - Choice Board