
Over the years, I have written a large amount of Matlab scripts. Over the last couple of years, I have migrated into Julia, which is a fantastic programming language. Julia files can be found in the links below. The amazing thing about a modern language like Julia is not only that it is terribly fast, simple, and beautiful, but also that we have access to IDEs (like Pluto and Jupyter) that render the editing part of the programming job almost effortless.

  • Guidelines to install Julia and Pluto here.

  • Pluto notebooks for a twelve weeks course on intermediate macroeconomics can be found here.

  • Pluto notebooks for a 30 hours master course in macroeconomics can be found here.

  • An older version of the previous course taught using Matlab files, and Julia files can be found here (check the page "Readings, slides and problems").

Notice that the Julia files are either pure Julia files ( files with a ".jl " extension, which can be opened with any text editor like Atom, VScode, or Sublime Text, among others, if you have Julia installed on your computer), or Jupyter notebook files (with an extension ".ipynb") which can be opened in Jupyter notebook, if you have both Julia and Jupyter notebook installed on your machine.

  • A twelve hours part of a course in advanced macroeconomics taught to Ph.D. students, with Pluto here.