Beth yw Pêl-Gôl? | What is Goalball?

Gêm tîm gynhwysol yw Pêl-Gôl, lle mae chwaraewyr yn mygydu eu llygaid a thaflu pêl i fewn i gôl y tîm arall. Sut mae hynny'n gallu digwydd os yw'r chwaraewr wedi ei fygydu? Wel! Tu fewn i'r pêl mae 3 cloch bach, ac mae'r cwrt yn gyffyrddol. Felly, trwy chwarae y gêm gallwch ddatblygu a dysgu nifer o sgiliau gwahanol. Mae e hefyd yn hollol ddiollwng ac yn lot o hwyl! Crewyd Pêl-Gôl yn wreiddiol i bobl â nam ar eu golwg, ond mae croeso i bawb ymuno â chlwb SWGC - unigolion sydd â nam ar eu golwg a heb nam ar eu golwg, plant, oedolion, teuluoedd a ffrindiau.

Goalball is an inclusive team sport, which involves players being blindfolded and ‘throwing a ball’ into an opponent’s goal. How does that happen if the player is blindfolded? Well! The ball has 3 small bells inside it, and the court is tactile. So, there are lots of skills that can be developed and learnt via this addictive and fun sport. The sport was initially created for those with a Vision Impairment, but at a club level like at SWGC, anyone and everyone is welcome. Those with Vision Impairments and those without, children and adult, family and friends.

Gwrandewch ar Megan, Gwennan a Graham yn trafod Pêl-Gôl ar podlediad UCAN Podsquad.

Listen to Megan, Gwennan and Graham discuss Goalball on UCAN's Podsquad podcast.

UCAN Podsquad #11 - Grumpy Old Gits Steal a Car - and - GOALBALL! (

Gwyliwch y fideo isod sy'n egluro mwy am Pêl-Gôl:

Watch the video below which explains more about Goalball: