Today's Wisdom 4 singles

Title- what is marriage?

The simple definition of marriage is follow me to my future. Before you say yes to a proposal, Ask the man where are you going? What is your vision? What do you want to become? If you see yourself as a career woman travelling all over the world for business and meetings, don't go and marry someone who will become a missionary travelling all over the world for missions and outreaches.

If you see yourself as a gospel artiste, don't go and marry someone who sings afro beat music in night clubs.

The conclusion is to marry someone that is going the same direction with you not someone going opposite direction with you.

Today's Wisdom for singles

Title- Be Prepared

Boys scout motto is- Be Prepared.

How prepared are you for marriage? Are you really sure you are ready to get married?

You get prepared by reading books, attend seminar and seek counsel.

Don't marry ill- prepared, it's dangerous and risky....Beyond praying for a good marriage, go for knowledge about having a good marriage and in becoming a good husband or wife. Invest in Reading books about marriage.

The institution of marriage is like a students that need to write and pass entrance exam like JAMB,WAEC etc before he or she is been admitted.

Be prepared mentally , emotionally, spiritually and financially. armed yourself with knowledge and information .Dont only fast and pray.

Today's wisdom for singles.

Title- Don't marry for Love alone, marry because of purpose.

Don't marry only because of Love,money and beauty.

marry because of purpose ,meaning you must have discover your purpose and assignment in life. This will help you to decide whom to marry. Because your partner must align with that purpose.

For instance, if you have a dream of owning a school and you meet someone who loves teaching as a passion, you can see that there is alignment. If you an evangelist and you meet someone who has a dream of owning an hotel and night club , you can see that both of aren't going in the same direction even though both of you are christians. If you marry such person he or she will frustrate your passion for evangelism.

If you don't discover purpose before you choose whom to marry, confusion might set in

Today's wisdom for singles

Title - Beauty and Money.

Many issues arises from marriages because people married for different reasons. Some men marry because of the physical beauty alone while some ladies marry some guys because of their fat salary or business income. This is wrong because they can change , beauty and physique can change , same way financial status of the man can change. Make sure you marry the personality for who he or she really is.

Today's wisdom for singles

Title- what is your spec?

You can't be attracted to everybody. Spec means physical features the kind of man or lady you desire. Imagine you entering a restaurant and you don't desire to eat anything. You must desire to eat something and place the order.

Many singles are confused because they have not define their spec, immediately you have your spec, you won't be confused and you will know when you have seen the person.

Define your spec and dont leave it for God to do. Because God won't get married to the person.

Today's wisdom for singles

Title - The 2nd greatest decision.

After the decision of given your life to Christ, the 2nd greatest decision is the choice of whom to marry.

Seek for wisdom and knowledge to choose right.

Today's wisdom for singles

Title- Red Flags

Red flags are bad and negative character flaws like anger, physical abuse, lack of respect,drunkenness, drug use,telling lies, forgiveness, carnality etc

Open your eyes and ears to watch out for these red signals, don't ignore it. If you do, you will regret it later. Don't say he or she will change when we are married. It's a big lie.

Never move on when you see these red flags.

Today's wisdom for singles.

Title- marriage myth

Because of high marriage divorces, so sad, the latest is funke akindele and JJ skills separation. Never believe and accept that marriage is a scam according to social media.

Before you get married, make sure you

Develop a strong mindset. Marriage is sweet ,fun and beautiful and you can experience it.

Today's wisdom for singles.

Title- Be findable

Dear single ladies, it's true that you can't do the finding and proposing to your life partner but you can make yourself findable.

By doing the FF

1. Be sociable and relatable.

2. Be friendly

3. Smile and emit positive vibes all times.

4. Take yourself out to public places like eatery, morning walk out, sports/games centre etc.

5. Be Free to express yourself In a discussion or conversation.

6. Be active in a group or dept in church or other association.

Today's wisdom for singles.

Title- Kill the fear of Marital failure.

Because of the high rate of marital crisis and divorces, many singles have developed the phobia that their marriage will Fail too. Please kill this fear before you get married.

Even if your parents marriage failed. Believe that your own marriage will work too, try to be close to couples having happy marriage.

Today's wisdom for singles.

Title- Learning to be a good marriage material

That someone is a good christian doesn't automatically makes the person a good husband or wife. Good wife or husband is achieved by learning and conscious effort to gather wisdom and knowledge.

So don't be carried away by someone spirituality.

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Today's wisdom for singles.

Title-what is your temperament

There are for temperaments types

Sanguine- extroverts

Choleric- extroverts

Melancholy and phlegmatic are introverts what are your two major temperaments.

Ambiverts are half extroverts and half introverts.

Read more about temperaments.

Never marry someone with the same temperaments. Mostimes, it doesn't work.

Introverts and introverts will make the marriage boring.

Extroverts and extroverts will make the marriage too touch and lousy. So in your choice of life partner, you have to strike balance.

Today's wisdom for singles

Title- Rescript

Be conscious not to live the bad script from your parents marriage. Especially if you know parents marriage did work, you need to go extra mile to Rescript your mindset and believe that you won't repeat the mistakes of your parents and your marriage will work

Get knowledge and grace to rewrite the script you desire for your marriage of your dream.

Open yourself to knowledge by reading books and listen to teachings on marriage.

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Today's wisdom for singles

Title- Prolonged Courtship

[NLT] - Mat 13:44 “The Kingdom of Heaven is like a treasure that a man discovered hidden in a field. In his excitement, he hid it again and sold everything he owned to get enough money to buy the field.

Women are like treasures, the man must do everything within it's means to keep that treasure.meaning to propose and get married within the shortest possible time. Prolonged Courtship is not healthy. 8 to 1year is ideal period for courtship.