Olde Severna Park Pod/Enrichment

Enrichment Activities

Knox , DJ and Greg have put together enrichment activities for OSPIA. Please visit the neighbors only page to sign up.

If you cannot access the site:

  1. And you have a google account (all gmail addresses and other addresses that you have registered with Google) then email us.

  2. And you do not have a Google Account: You will need to follow a five minute process to register non-gmail addresses to gain access. ** This site is secured with Google and requires an account for access. Please email your google account and we'll give you access.

Grade/Pod Coordinators

Grade/Pod Coordinators have arranged an initial plan and a template shown below. While they have identified teachers that can assist, final plans are on hold while we wait to see more details regarding how Severna Park Schools will conduct the school day.

Olde Severna Park needs coordinators for 1st, 3rd, 5th Grade, Middle School and High School. Grade coordinators simply serve as a central point of contact for families in the neighborhood to facilitate discussion. They do not have to lead pods. Please let us know if you can be a grade coordinator.

If you have a child in Kindergarten, 2nd/4th Grade please reach out to connect.

For Site 2020-2021 OSPIA Outdoor Classroom - Mission Statement and Details.docx