Welcome to my webpage!

I am an Assistant Professor of Finance at the University of Aarhus, Denmark. 

My research interests are in applying information economics to questions in corporate finance, accounting, and financial markets.

I earned a Ph.D. in Economics at the Frankfurt School of Finance and Management. 


Working Papers:

Theory: Examines the effect of managerial overoptimism on discretionary disclosure and certification choices.  

Empirics: Firms that strategically withhold CAPEX guidance are associated with lower informed trading measures, harming real decision-making through the feedback effect.

Theory: In the feedback context, voluntary disclosure helps disclosing but harms nondisclosing firms' investment making, resulting in efficiency losses if the latter dominates.

Theory: Timely clustering of IPOs by different underwriters generates a mutual disciplining effect, suggesting that underpricing levels might be a function of underwriter syndicate composition.

Work in Progress:

Investment Timing and Market Feedback - with Stefan Hirth 

Academic Positions and Affiliations:

Aarhus University, Department of Economics and Business Economics

2021 - today, Assistant Professor of Finance

Danish Finance Institute

2021 - today, Research Fellow


Ph.D. in Economics

2021, Frankfurt School of Finance and Management, Germany

2019, Spring, visit at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, USA, Host: Itay Goldstein

M.Sc. in Economics and Finance

2015, University of Tübingen, Germany

B.A. in Banking

2012, Univerity of Applied Sciences (DHBW) Mosbach, Germany


Matthias Lassak

Aarhus University

Department of Economics and Business Economics

Fuglesangs Allé 4

Building 2631, 130

8210 Aarhus V

