Post operative pain relief

Post-operative pain relief (analgesia) is important and helps to prevent post-operative complications.  I recommend taking ‘simple’ analgesia (‘pain killers') and adding opiate (morphine-like) analgesia if needed in addition.

 ‘Simple’ analgesia:

Paracetamol and ibuprofen are available over the counter, without a prescription.  The cheap versions are the same as the versions in shiny packets (such as Nurofen), just cheaper!


Opiate (morphine-like) pain relief can be taken in addition to the above if needed.

The opiate drugs are usually good pain killers but can have unwanted side effects including constipation, drowsiness and sickness (nausea and vomiting). Therefore best taken only if needed in addition to 'simple' pain relief options and at the lowest dose needed.


Opiate (morphine-like) analgesia:

Other analgesia may also be recommended before, during or after your anaesthetic

Pain relief - RCoA information