Utility Bases

Utility Bases

Simple Large Furnace Base

A large furnace smelts ores significantly more efficient than several small furnaces. This base is designed to protect a large furnace if you don't have or don't plan to have a compound.

UPKEEP: 1.1k Stone, 420 Metal Frags

The Dolphin

The Dolphin is a simple boat base that you can use e.g. as an outpost for farming runs in a remote area. Don't keep anything valuable in this base, apart from your boat.

UPKEEP: 949 Stone, 200 Frags

The Shark

The Shark is a simple Rust boat base for military RHIB boats. As long as a RHIB boat is parked inside of the base, it won't decay. Use the base to e.g. keep a RHIB handy in case the cargo ship spawns or use it as a farming outpost.


Simple Heli Tower

A simple tower to take down the patrol helicopter designed by Zedge. It cheap, quick, and easy to build.

UPKEEP: 3.2k stone, 916 metal frags

The Bee Sting

The Bee Sting is probably the tiniest heli base in Rust.

With this design concept, I explored the limits of how small one can make a heli base, and still be able to take down the patrol helicopter reliably despite mediocre aim. The base was quite controversially received, in particular, as people pointed out the danger of being camped by a naked with a double barrel.

UPKEEP: 1.1k Stone, 327 Metal Frags

The Ocean Vault

The Ocean Vault is an underwater base that allows to hide your best loot out of sight of everyone. It makes use of an unfortunately patched exploit, which allows to remotely upkeep it from a TC that is placed on the shore.

Fishtrap Exploit Bunker

If you like budget suicide bunkers, but you don't have the dropbox BP yet, this exploit is for you. It uses a fishtrap to pass loot in and out of a no-door suicide bunker. It is ideal to store and hide loot in an inconspicuous way when you go offline