C. A. M. Fennell: The opium-woman and Datchery in "The mystery of Edwin Drood"

Zeffie Tilbury as Opium Woman in "The Mystery of Edwin Drood" (1935)

Review in "Notes and Queries", Juli 26, 1913

DR. FEN­NELL has been em­ploy­ing his en­forced leisure (due, we re­gret to know, to in­dis­po­si­tion) in con­tribut­ing "a mite to­wards the clear­er ap­pre­ci­a­tion of the 'mas­ter­piece' (H. J.) of fic­tion" 'Edwin Drood,' the ini­tials "H. J.," as our read­ers know, stand­ing for Prof. Henry Jack­son. In his pam­phlet "The Opi­um-Wom­an" and "Datch­ery" in 'The Mys­tery of Edwin Drood', pub­lished by Mr. E.Johnson of Cam­bridge, Dr. Fen­nell first deals with the ques­tion of the iden­ti­ty of the Opi­um-Wom­an, and sug­gests that one of Miss Rosa Bud's four grand­par­ents, after Rosa's moth­er was en­gaged to Mr. Bud, be­came a hard drinker and then an opi­um-smok­er, so that she fig­ures in 'The Mys­tery of Edwin Drood' as the "hag­gard woman," host­ess of the opi­um-den fre­quent­ed by Jasper." As to Datch­ery, Dr. Fen­nell agrees with Mr. Edwin Charles and oth­ers that he is Baz­zard, and he in­fers that "Baz­zard has been em­ployed for some time, as well as when Datch­ery vis­its Clois­ter­ham, as a pri­vate de­fec­tive ... Rosa's guardian seems a like­ly per­son for her fa­ther to se­lect for the busi­ness of try­ing to trace her grand­moth­er, if an ine­bri­ate, and 'lost to her re­la­tions, with a view to re­liev­ing her if nec­es­sary, and re­claim­ing her if pos­si­ble, and to pre­vent her an­noy­ing Rosa." But though Dr. Fen­nell "can­not allow that He­le­na is Datch­ery," he "be­lieves that as a huntress of her broth­er's foe she may have gone through one very try­ing or­deal, dis­guised as Edwin Drood, in the crypt, name­ly, the scene de­pict­ed in the cen­tral low­est sketch on the cover, and that she scared Jasper into be­tray­ing his guilt ... Baz­zard is Datch­ery. Even­tu­al­ly the plot­ters against Jasper's peace in­vite him to get a key and go with them, nom­i­nal­ly to see if any traces of Edwin can be found, but re­al­ly to be tricked into be­tray­ing his se­cret by see­ing what he takes for his vic­tim alive again or for his phan­tom. So he re­veals his se­cret to the men be­hind him and to He­le­na and her es­cort, or else to Baz­zard, be­fore he be­comes vi­o­lent, or tries to es­cape from the Cathe­dral or else­where."

It will be seen that the writ­er agrees with Sir Robert­son Nicoll that Edwin Drood was dead.

We cor­dial­ly wel­come this valu­able con­tri­bu­tion to the stud­ies on the mys­tery Charles Dick­ens has left us.