How to find telescopes in the database

When the database is first opened, you will be greeted with a screen like this (the database will have more data than it does currently).

To locate the model of scope you are after, optical design, and more, go to the top toolbar and click edit.

Then select 'Find and replace'.

Now insert what you want to find, this can be manufacturer, model, aperture, focal length, optical design or anything else that has a column for it. Once you've entered what you want to find, click 'Find' and it will jump to the first matching case it finds. It is not case sensitive. If there is more than one result, you can drag the 'Find and replace' window to the side, and click 'Find' until you get the query you want. If there is no match it will say "There are no entries matching [query]'; in which case, please either use fewer words in your search, check spelling or there might just not be an entry for that perticular scope yet.

If a matching scope is found, the spredsheet will automatically jump to it and highlight the matching cell in blue. If there is more than one match, click 'find' again to view the next one. Once this is done you can click 'done' in the 'Find and replace' window. And just like that, you've found it!