Breadboard Projects

Pi Shop breadboard exercises teach basic electronics, starting with LED's and switches, then on to sensors, motors and beyond. Students learn to write Python scripts and experiment with fun pre-reobotics projects.

Students build circuit connections to the Pi I/O pins and write Python scripts in guided exercises and gain hands-on experience in creating fun and interesting projects. Circuit schematics are introduced starting with a basic LED circuit.

Beginning Pi Shop motor and sensor exercises use a Pi 3 plug-in hat built by SB Components to simplify circuit connections and motor control functions. Students enter/edit, debug and modify Python scripts to learn some basic electronics and software control. Students use this experience later in robotics projects.

Here is a simple Python script students enter with the Mu Editor to read the Ultrasonic sensor and display distance to the nearest object. We use these sensors on the RC Car hack to avoid collisions in autonomous driving exercises later in the course.

from gpiozero import DistanceSensor

from time import sleep

sensor = DistanceSensor(trigger=5, echo=6)

while True:

print(“Distance to nearest object is %2.3f” %sensor.distance)


Traditional breadboard exercises also offered for circuit projects (age dependent)

GPIO breadboard with switch, buzzer and LED

GPIO breadboard with Ultrasonic sensor and Python program to detect objects and distance

GPIO Breadboard with motor controller and DC motor