Install third-party applications on KaiOS


This page is a brief summary on how to install applications from the B-Hackers Store, using additional applications to be installed on the phone or dedicated tools to be used on the computer. If you want to know all the secrets about KaiOS devices, visit the site

The format of the applications on this site

All the apps are packaged in a way that they can be installed with OmniSD, Wallace-toolbox and Gerda File Manager, directly from the phone and without having to use WebIDE from the PC. Each zip package must contain:

  • file (with the actual WebIDE-compatible KaiOS/FFOS app);
  1. update.webapp file (can be empty but must be present);
  2. metadata.json file in the following format:
{"version": 1, "manifestURL": "app://[your_app_id]/manifest.webapp"},

where [your_app_id] has to be replaced with the actual ID (origin) of your app registered in the manifest, and manifest.webapp has to be renamed if it's called differently in the archive. Other than that, the application structure in must match the general KaiOS and Firefox OS app structure. See for more details.

How to install these applications...

The sideload is the process of transferring files between two local devices, in particular between a computer and a mobile device. On Firefox OS it was a natural property, and it can be done using ADB and DevTools also on more KaiOS devices (source). The installation of OmniSD is a classic example (video). Many devices can sideload third-party apps, but other devices require special patches (check the list).

...using WebIDE


  1. DEBUG MODE, your device must be able to do this. Normally it is sufficient to dial the debug code *#*#33284#*#*, while on some devices (in addition) it is necessary to open a menu using the code *#*#0574#*#* and from there enable the USB debugging;
  2. ADB (Android Debug Bridge), a versatile command-line tool that allows you to communicate with a device and that facilitates a variety of device actions;
  3. WEBIDE, the most common and complete of development tools. Choose an old version of Firefox (59 or earlier) or Pale Moon (28.6.1 or earlier), or use the official Kaios emulator (KaiOSRT). Alternatively you can use other command line development tools like Gdeploy, that uses NodeJS, or XPCshell.


  1. Download an app from this website and extract the internal file on your PC;
  2. Enable the debug mode on your device;
  3. Connect the device to the PC using a USB cable;
  4. Open WebIDE and connect to the "Remote runtime" (this should work on the official Kaiostr emulator), if not seen, start the "adb forward tcp:6000 localfilesystem:/data/local/debugger-socket" command and click again on "Remote runtime". If an error message about build date mismatch appears, you can safely ignore it. If the connection doesn't work, try rebooting the phone, running the "adb forward" command and connecting again.
  5. Select the application's folder in the "Open packaged app" button of WebIDE.
  6. With the triangular "Play button" at the top center of WebIDE, the app will be installed on your phone.

NOTE, any other application (including OmniSD) can be installed in the same way, unless the device manufacturer has blocked the debugging features on it. In this case run all the possible guides to install OmniSD and get the jailbreak.

...using OmniSD

Once OmniSD is installed, download an application on your phone, it will be automatically detected in the /downloads folder (or in a possible folder /apps created by you), regardless of whether it is, on the internal memory or on the sd card. If OmniSD doesn't see it, press "rescan" from the application.

...using Gerda Files/PKG/GAB

Once installed, the GerdaOS file manager (from the GerdaOS project) aims to install omnisd packages from it, anywhere on the phone. It needs three packages all installable using WebIDE:

  1. GerdaOS file manager (;
  2. GerdaPkg (, to detect omnisd packages in the file manager;
  3. GAB Launcher (, to start the installation of the application.

These three packages work together, alone they are useless. Note that only will appear in the applications menu, the other two will be hidden services, just like

...using Wallace-toolbox

Once installed, Wallace-toolbox delegates the sideload to another application, for example Download or File Manager, then you have just to select the downloaded app from there.

Which KaiOS device you should choose

See the full list on the "bananahackers" website for more information