Research and More...

Comparison of Surgical Virtual Environments across VR Headsets

Oklahoma State University | Spring‘17

Developed 3D models and created a virtual surgical simulation-based resident training module for LISS (Less Invasive Stabilization Surgery) plating on the HTC Vive, Microsoft HoloLens, and the Geomagic Touch haptic environment.

Toolset: C#, Unity3D, Solidworks, HoloToolkit, SteamVR, VRTK, OpenHaptics Toolkit

Green Screen Effect Inside the Vive

Oklahoma State University | Spring‘17

Designed and developed a Virtual Environment inside the HTC Vive overlaid with stereoscopic real-time objects from the feed of two external cameras attached to the headset.

Designed a custom shader to correctly filter out the green screen and relay information over to the Vive.

Toolset: C#, Unity3D, SteamVR, VRTK

VR Simulation for the NASA ISS Tranquility Module

Oklahoma State University | Spring‘17

A team project first person interactive Virtual Environment was developed based on NASA's International Space Station's Tranquility Module. It could be run on the HTC Vive inside which you can see the Colbert treadmill, ARED and MED 2.0 exercise devices.

Toolset: C#, Unity3D, SteamVR, VRTK, Solidworks l

Virtual Prototype for Mars Rover Assembly

Oklahoma State University| Fall’16

Developed a virtual prototype and simulation for the assembly of a custom designed vehicle made to run on Mars.

Toolset: C#, Unity3D, Particle Systems, Solidworks, Unity 5 Collaboration (Beta)

iOS App for Augmented Reality

Oklahoma State University| Fall’16

Location based AR app for the iOS platform to identify POIs and overlay relevant information on them

Toolset: Objective-C, Core Data, Google Maps API, ARToolKit, GitHub

“My Grocery Pal”

Oklahoma State University| Fall’16

An iOS app that uses barcode scanning to provide nutritional information of a product.

Suggests cheaper or healthier alternatives according to the choice of the user.

Acts as a checklist with the added feature of providing tax information on the subtotal.

Toolset: Swift 3, CocoaPods (Alamofire), PHP, SQL, GIMP, GitHub

OS Design and Implementation

Oklahoma State University| Spring’16

Designed and developed a custom operating system as a simulator to process machine language input.

Components of the simulator include – CPU (with round robin scheduling), main memory, failure and recovery mechanism and “Loader” to read input and display output.

Toolset: Java, Eclipse, Linux command line

3D Modeling of Cities using LiDAR

BITS Pilani | Spring '14

Gained a basic understanding of LiDAR and its applications.

Implemented Delaunay Triangulation and TIN generation for a sample data set.

Toolset: C++, Meshlab, Linux command line