Archived Information

This page contains information with earlier renderings, presentations, etc, before project approval. Many of these items are also located on other pages as well. If you are looking for something you cannot find, please email and we will get back to you in a timely manner.

  • During the SBC meeting on Tuesday, October 13th, 2020 the SBC voted unanimously for a District K-4 configuration option.

  • The MSBA voted, December 16, 2020, to move this option to Schematic Design. View the presentation below to see the site plan and aerial renderings of the twin schools - the Lower School for grades K-2 is on the west side of the building and the Upper School for grades 3 & 4 is on the east side. In the middle are spaces that will be shared by the two schools and the entire Swampscott community.

website presentation.pdf