Publications Hylke Vandenbussche

International publications:

  • H. Vandenbussche, W. Connell and W. SImons (2022),"Global Value Chains, Trade shocks and Jobs: an Application to Brexit", World Economy.

  • H. Vandenbussche and C. Viegelahn (2018), "Input Reallocation within Multi-Product Firms", Journal of International Economics, September.

  • A. Bernard, E. Blanchard, I. Van Beveren & H. Vandenbussche (2018),”Carry-along Trade”, Review of Economic Studies, February.

  • F. di Comité, J. Thisse and H. Vandenbussche (2014),"Verti-zontal Differentiation in Export Markets", Journal of International Economics, 93, pp. 50-66.

  • J. Konings and H. Vandenbussche (2008),”Heterogeneous Responses to Trade Protection”, Journal of International Economics, 76, issue 2, December, pp. 371-383

  • A.B. Bernard, I. Van Beveren and H. Vandenbussche (2013),”Multi-product Exporters and the Margins of Trade”, Japanese Economic Review,

  • J. Konings and H. Vandenbussche (2005),"Antidumping Protection and Markups of Domestic Firms: Evidence from firm level data", Journal of International Economics, 65, pp. 151-165.

  • H. Song, K. Miyagiwa and H. Vandenbussche (2016)," Accounting for the stylized facts about recent antidumping: Retailiation and Innovation", World Economy.

  • H. Vandenbussche, F. di Comite, L. Rovegno, C. Viegelahn (2013), “Competition from China and Quality upgrading: evidence from trade data in clothing”, Journal of Economic Integration, 28(2), 303-326.

  • K. Miyagiwa, H. Song and H. Vandenbussche (2016),"Size Matters! Who's bashing whom in trade wars?", International Review of Economics and Finance, 45, 33-45.

  • H. Vandenbussche and M. Zanardi (2010),”The Chilling Effects of Antidumping Law Proliferation”, European Economic Review, 54, 760-777

  • R. Belderbos, H. Vandenbussche and R. Veugelers (2004),"Price-undertakings and Antidumping jumping FDI in the European Union", European Economic Review, 48, pp. 429-453

  • H.Vandenbussche, R. Veugelers and J. Konings (2001),"Unionization and European Antidumping Policy", Oxford Economic Papers-new series, 53, pp.297-317.

  • H. Vandenbussche and Z. Zarnic (2008),"The Effects of US Safeguards on Steel on European Markups: firm-level evidence, Review of World Economics/Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv, Springer, vol. 144(3), pages 458-490, October

  • S. Poncet, W. Steingress and H. Vandenbussche (2010), “Financial Constraints in China: firm-level evidence”, China Economic Review, 21, issue 3, September, pp. 411-422

  • R. Veugelers and H. Vandenbussche (1999), "European Antidumping Policy and the profitability of national and international collusion", European Economic Review, No. 43/1, pp. 1-28

  • J. Konings & H. Vandenbussche (2013). Antidumping protection hurts Exporters. Firm-level Evidence. Review of World Economics,149, 295-320

  • H. Vandenbussche and C. Viegelahn (2013),"Indian Antidumping measures against China", Foreign Trade Review, India,48(1), 1-21

  • Hartigan, J. & H. Vandenbussche (2013). Why Does the WTO have an Anti-Dumping Agreement? A Law and Economics Approach. Review of development economics, 17 (1), 105-116.

  • H. Vandenbussche (2009),”US-laws, regulations and methodology for calculating dumping margins (zeroing) (DS294)”, Comment, World Trade Review, 8:1,1-3, Cambridge University Press

  • H. Vandenbussche (2008),”Comment-The Upland-Cotton case”, World Trade Review, 7,1, 211-217, Cambridge University Press

  • H. Vandenbussche, B. Janssen & K. Crabbe (2005) "Is there Regional Tax competition in Belgium?", De Economist, September,153, pp. 257-276

  • I. Van Beveren and H. Vandenbussche (2010),”Product and Process innovation and the decision to Export”, Journal of Economic Policy Reform, 13, issue 1, pp. 3-24

  • H. Vandenbussche and J. Wauters (2010), “Motor Vehicles from China: dispute settlement case”, World Trade Review, 9, issue 1, pp. 201-238, Cambridge University Press

  • H. Vandenbussche and M. Zanardi (2008),"What Explains the Proliferation of Antidumping Laws?", Economic Policy 23, issue 53, January, pp. 98-103, Blackwell Press

  • D. Collie and H. Vandenbussche (2006),"Tariffs and the Byrd Amendment", European Journal of Political Economy

  • H. Vandenbussche and L. Xiang (2002),"Two decades of EU Antidumping Policy agains China: an outlook on China's WTO membership", Journal of World Trade, 36(6): 1125-1144 .

  • H. Vandenbussche (2002), "Can Training and employment subsidies combat European Unemployment?", discussion of paper by J. Kluve and C. Schmidt, Economic Policy, October.

  • H. Vandenbussche (2002),"Regional unemployment clusters", discussion of paper by D. Puga and H. Overman, Economic Policy, April, vol. 34, pp. 144-145

  • D. Collie & H. Vandenbussche (2005),"Can Import Tariff Deter Outward FDI?", Open Economies Review, 16, pp. 341-362

  • J. Konings & H. Vandenbussche (2004),"Financial Ratio Adjustment in the presence of Soft Budget Constraints: Evidence from Bulgaria", European Accounting Review, May, vol. 13 (1), pp. 131-159.

  • J. Konings, M. Rizov and H. Vandenbussche (2003),"Investment Constraints in Transition Countries", Economics Letters, 18, pp. 253-258.

  • J. Konings, H. Vandenbussche and L. Springael (2001),"Import Diversion under European Antidumping Policy", Journal of Industry, Competition and Trade, 1:3, 283-299.

  • H. Vandenbussche and X. Wauthy (2000),"Price-Undertakings and Firms' strategic choice of Quality", European Journal of Political Economy, vol.17, pp.101-116

  • H. Vandenbussche (2000),"Trade Policy versus Competition Policy: complements or substitutes", De Economist-Netherlands, 148, n°5, pp.625-642

  • E. Faucompret, J. Konings & H. Vandenbussche (1999),"The integration of Central and Eastern Europe in the EU: trade and Labour market adjustment", Journal of World Trade, vol. 33, (6), pp.121-145.

  • H. Vandenbussche and J. Konings (1998), 'Globalization and the effects of national versus international competition on the labour market', World Economy, November.

  • H.Vandenbussche (1996), "Is European antidumping protection against Central Europe too high?', Review of World Economics, March, vol.132, pp. 116-138.1.

  • J.Konings & H.Vandenbussche (1995), "The effects of foreign competition on U.K. wages and employment: evidence from panel data", Review of World Economics, December, vol.131, pp.655-672.

  • H. Vandenbussche (1995),"How can Japanese and Central-European exporters to the EU avoid Antidumping duties?", World Competition, Law and Economics Review, March, Geneva, 55-74.

Books and Contributions in Books:

  • L. Rovegno and H. Vandenbussche.(2012), “Antidumping practices in the European Union: A comparative analysis of rules and application in WTO context”. In 'Liberalising Trade in the EU and the WTO: Comparative Perspectives', Gaines S., Olsen B. Egelund & Sørensen K. Engsig (eds.), Cambridge University Press.

  • Vandenbussche H. and Viegelahn C. (2011), "European Union: No Protectionist Surprises",(Chapter 3), in C.P. Bown (ed.),The Great Recession and Import Protection: The Role of Temporary Trade Barriers,London, CEPR and the World Bank

  • H. Vandenbussche & D. Nelson (2006), (eds.), The WTO and Antidumping, Edward Elgar, vol.1 and 2.

  • K. Crabbé and H. Vandenbussche (2008), Are your Taxes set in Warsaw?, in D. Heremans en K.Aelgoed (eds.), Proceedings of the Symposium on the Political Economy of Fiscal Federalism.

  • Essays in Memory of Michel Norro (ed.): André Nyembwe, Presse Universitaire de Louvain by P. Montfort, H. Vandenbussche and E. Forlani (2008), "Skill-Upgrading in European Textiles resulting from Trade with China: Firm-level evidence", 2008.

  • H. Vandenbussche (2009), "Footloose Production", in Princeton Encyclopedia of the World Economy, by K. A. Reinert, R. S. Rajan, A. J. Glass, L. S. Davis, Princeton University Press.

  • H. Vandenbussche (2006), « Fiscalité des entreprises et création d’emplois », in B. Hanin and J.P. Lemaitre (eds.), Le plan d’actions prioritaires de la Région Walllonne, Presses universitaires de Louvain

Policy Papers

  • Hylke Vandenbussche (2019), "A Global Network Approach to Brexit ", Report prepared for Flanders Department of Foreign Relations. report

  • Julia Qin and Hylke Vandenbussche (2016),"China-GOES steel case: Time to clarify price suppression and price depression", World Trade Review ,

  • Jasper Wauters and Hylke Vandenbussche (2010),"China - Measures Affecting Imports of Automobile Parts, World Trade Review,

  • Hylke Vandenbussche (2009)," United States - Laws, Regulation and Methodology for Calculating Dumping Margins (zeroing) -DS294", World Trade Review,

  • Hylke Vandenbussche (2008)," Upland Cotton ", World Trade Review,

  • Hylke Vandenbussche (2011), Book Review in World Trade Review of "Where to spend the next million? Applying Impact Evaluation to Trade Assistance", Cadot, Fernandes, Gourdon, Matttoo (eds.), London, CEPR and World Bank.

  • H. Vandenbussche, (2014), "Quality in Exports", EUROPEAN COMMISSION- Economic Papers n°532, DG Economic and Financial Affairs .

  • Hylke Vandenbussche (2013), "Firm-Level Productivity and Exporting. Diagnosing the role of Financial Constraints", DG Economic and Financial Affairs, in Product Market Review-2013, (H. Vandenbussche, C. Altomonte and T. Sono), part II, chapter I, EU COMMISSION publication, Brussels.

  • Johannes Van Biesebroeck and Hylke Vandenbussche (2016),"Economic Impact of Changing Methodology for Calculating Normal Value in Trade Defense against China" paper requested by DG TRADE - EU COMMISSION,

CEPR discussion papers by Hylke Vandenbussche

KU Leuven Discussion Papers -Economics department by Hylke Vandenbussche:

DPS 20.16. Role of quality differentiation on firm size distributions, William CONNELL and Hylke VANDENBUSSCHE - September 2020

DPS 19.12. Learning about demand abroad from wholesalers: a B2B analysis,, William CONNELL, Emmanuel DHYNE and Hylke VANDENBUSSCHE - November 2019

DPS 19.04. Global value chains, trade shocks and jobs: an application to Brexit Hylke VANDENBUSSCHE, William CONNELL and Wouter SIMONS - March 2019

DPS 19.02. The importance of consumer taste in trade Bee Yan AW, Yi LEE and Hylke VANDENBUSSCHE - March 2019

DPS 18.03. Decomposing firm-product appeal: how important is consumer taste? Bee yan AW, Yi LEE and Hylke VANDENBUSSCHE - February 2018
DPS 18.02. The cost of non-TTIP: a global value chain approach Hylke VANDENBUSSCHE, William CONNELL and Wouter SIMONS - February 2018

CES IFO discussion papers by Hylke Vandenbussche

CESifo nr 7580, The importance of consumer taste in trade Bee Yan Aw, Yi Lee, Hylke Vandenbussche - 2019
CESifo nr 7473 Global Value Chains, Trade Shocks and Jobs: An Application to Brexit, Hylke Vandenbussche, William Connell, Wouter Simons - 2019

National Publications:

  • H. Vandenbussche (2006),"Is the EU-China Textiles Agreement a good thing?", Annales des Etudes Européennes de L'Université Catholique de Louvain (UCL).

  • H. Vandenbussche, 2006,”Fiscalité des entreprises et création d’emplois: nouveaux éléments d’évaluation pour la Belgique et ses régions”, Regards Economiques, Juin, n° 41, p. 1-12, Université Catholique de Louvain (UCL) (pdf)

  • H. Vandenbussche and K. Crabbé, (2005),”Betalen alle grote Belgische bedrijven evenredige belastingen op hun winst?”, Accountancy & Bedrijfskunde , vol 24, n°8.

  • H. Vandenbussche en Karen Crabbé, (2006), “De Belgische Vennootschapsbelasting in het verruimde Europa”, Accountancy & Bedrijfskunde, jrg 26, n° 1, p. 3-10.

  • K. Crabbé & H. Vandenbussche (2006),”Vennootschapsbelasting: de positie van België in het verruimde Europa”, Review of Business and Economics, Acco-Leuven, vol. LI, 1, p.129-150.

  • H. Vandenbussche & T. Franck (2004),”Prijszetting en Kostenberekening in de praktijk: een rondvraag”, Review of Business and Economics, Acco-Leuven, n°1, vol. XLIX, pp.3-46.