
Saturday 26 June 2021: Since February 2021, we have been singing outside in the courtyard of the Circular Congregational Church (See directions below.). Again today and for the foreseeable future, we shall continue so. The court yard has proven itself to be a pleasant place to sing. The walls contain the sound. The foliage is lovely. The natural indirect light is sufficiently bright without being harsh. Seating is available on installed benches, but some of us have brought camp chairs for additional seating. Rain was not an issue in April; the cloister is wide enough to accommodate all who came.

Saturday 25 July 2020: Let us plan to meet and to sing again as we did last month in Rob's backyard from 2 to 4 pm.

Saturday 27 June 2020: Six of us met to sing in Rob's mosquito-free backyard from 2 to 4 pm. Camp chairs were set 16 feet apart. Masks were worn when we were close. No masks were worn while singing. Refreshments were provided by our gracious host. Neighbors enjoyed hearing our singing while they gardened. We agreed to meet again next month on 25 July in the same location and arrangement.

Saturday 25 May 2020: Tom graciously and expertly facilitated a singing on Zoom. Tom kept his microphone open for his and Sharon's voice. He played recorded audio for participants to hear all voices. Participants muted their microphones while singing, but unmuted between selections to discuss and to converse. Selections were mostly, but not exclusively proposed by textual "chat". Tom, we thank you. :)

13 May 2020: The annual singing on 25 May is highly unlikely.

So, let's sing anyway. Here, I have opened a folder with files of recordings which can serve as an example for building a "virtual open square".

21 April 2020: Here in late April, the "go home and stay home" order has not yet been lifted; so, we are compelled to cancel the monthly singing on 25 April.

17 March 2020: Given the Governor’s press conference on Sunday 15 March and the President’s press conference Monday 16 March, we seem to be compelled to cancel group events of ten people or more. Please keep singing where ever you are and in what ever situation you happen to be. May your songs not just be in your heart, but also on your lips so that others may hear the joy, confidence, and faith.