Co-op Information

Our Fall Semester runs from September - December

Our Winter/Spring Semester runs from February - May

We meet at

First Baptist Church of Fremont, 51 W. Oak Street, Fremont, MI 49412

from 10:00 am - Noon, on the 2nd & 4th Friday's of the month

Registration for Winter/Spring Semester 2019 is now OPEN Online!!

What we require within our co-op, is laid out in our policy. However, we want to point out a few things right now! First off, we want to welcome you, we want you to know we are an open group and want to be welcoming to all. Second, to join you must have a child that is 5 years old or older that will be attending the co-op. Third, we do require all parents to stay at co-op during co-op hours. Along with that we do also require you to help in some capacity, that could be volunteering to be a helper in a class, teaching a class, being a hall monitor. We also ask every family to help 1 time with clean up after co-op. We have been given a gift to use this church building, we want to leave it better than we found it. Many hands make light work. Here is our full Policy

Winter/Spring 2019 Semester class registration is now open online, please see the Co-op Registration page for instructions on how to sign up!

Class submissions for Winter/Spring 2019 Semester is closed, however we are always welcome to new class ideas. If you would like to submit a class for the

2019 Fall Semester

please fill out the class proposal form, if you have a suggestion for a class, please put that on the class suggestions page.

Class Proposal Form

Class Suggestions