
Reading Emotions Workshop

Friday 27th June 2014

C a p t u r i n g B r a i n C h a n g e s

A c r o s s t h e L i f e s p a n

Methodological development, data sharing & collaboration

In this workshop, experts from the Day 1 Symposium, CINN researchers, and invited guests will address the methodological and conceptual challenges in neurobiological studies of human development across the lifespan (adolescence to old age) and brain-body mechanisms underlying health and wellbeing. The workshop also features a talk by:

D r T h o m a s N i c h o l s

Wellcome Trust Senior Research Fellow in Basic Biomedical Science

Head of Neuroimaging Statistics

University of Warwick, UK

Panel discussions will focus on the following topics:

    • Novel multimodal approaches that allow the quantification of how changes in brain structure impact function

    • Methods that capture dynamics in structure and function at different time scales, bridging change ranging from seconds to years

    • How can these approaches be made available to the research community through existing software platforms?

    • How can conceptual and methodological gaps in current longitudinal and cross-sectional studies be addressed by synergy in measures, sharing data, across projects and potential joint multicentre research?

Attendance is limited to invited participants. This event is sponsored by the BBSRC, EPS and IBRO.