How to add/remove IR cases

1. Go to Tech Work List

2. Select a patient from the tech work list to be added on (the clinician has to put an order in for it to appear here)

3. Click on "Add On" button up top and this will pop up:

4. Fill out all the required info (the stuff with a red exclamation sign next to it).

5. Under "Physician resource" choose "vascular" for vascular staff or "Neuro Radiology" for neuro staff. ("Neuro IR" is the neurosurgeons and Interventional neurology)

6. Click "Accept" in both windows, then this will show up:

7. Choose the date on the bottom (don't forget this!) And choose which procedure room it will be assigned to (this doesn't REALLY matter most of the time), then click "accept"

8. Then, go to the Status Board, find the patient - will be under the outpatient schedule list - click on it (i.e. choose it) and click on "Procedure Status" and change it to "Add on"

How to Cancel a procedure

1. Go to tech work list

2. Look on the left hand side list and choose the procedure

3. Click the "Cancel/Undo" button

4. If you want to cancel the add on, but keep the order in the tech work list, choose "cancel appointment" and then "accept" and it will pop back up on the tech work list.

5. If you have discussed with ordering clinician and they have decided to cancel it, and for some reason they don't cancel it and you want it off your tech work list, click "Cancel order" and then "accept." Do not do this unless you confirm with ordering clinician that they want this cancelled!!!!