
JFC Ultrasound Clinic

Welcome to the UMMC Radiology Department. We are so glad you have chosen to become apart of the Radiology team here at UMMC. A couple house keeping issues I need to bring up to you as the Quality and Safety Officer for the department.


1).  Peer review - We use ACR RADPEER  for peer review currently.  We perform peer review as we read our daily worklist exams. A Peer review box should pop up when you are reading exams to peer review the prior exam you are currently reading. I will check with our IT department to make sure you are in the system and active. Please see the hyperlink to familiarize yourself with RadPEER if you have not already used the system.  https://ummc-my.sharepoint.com/personal/skpowell_umc_edu/_layouts/15/onedrive.aspx?id=%2Fpersonal%2Fskpowell%5Fumc%5Fedu%2FDocuments%2FQuality%20UMMC%2FRadpeer%2FScoringWhitePaper%2Epdf&parent=%2Fpersonal%2Fskpowell%5Fumc%5Fedu%2FDocuments%2FQuality%20UMMC%2FRadpeer&slrid=84ea919e-304e-7000-010e-1d33d0bef46e.  We have a monthly M&M noon conference where cases are discussed with the staff and residents.


2). Critical Results - We use the Veriphy system which is integrated into the voice recognition system Powerscribe 360. Instructions on its use and the appropriate alert usage can be found on theviewbox the departmental website. https://www.sites.google.com/site/radiologyatumc/veriphy


3). Departmental policies can can be found on theviewbox and on the UMMC intranet.  https://documents.umc.edu/search.aspx?q=radiology


4). We are a stroke certified center which means we need to have a quick turn-a-round time on Code Gray CT heads - 20 minutes from exam order to reading. All Code gray result are called to the stroke team. The residents can facilitate the read and phone call.  We would also like a final signed report from an attending prompt either before or shortly after the phone call to the stroke team. https://documents.umc.edu/search.aspx?q=Code+Gray


5).  We also have a 60 minute benchmark for CT PE protocol exams from when exam is complete to final report. This is a Joint Commission chosen benchmark for the hospital, so please be as prompt as you can at getting out final reports for those exams if you are a Body Imager.


6).  I-Care - The UMMC University hospital has a reporting system to facilitate quality improvement throughout the hospital.  Any event or situation you come across as a provider for the hospital, that you deem as needing improvement or a safety related issue in patient care please contact me as the Quality and safety Officer for the department  and we will navigate reporting the event through the I-Care system which can be accessed from the UMMC intranet. http://ntdatixweb/datix/live/index.php


All departmental and hospital phone numbers are also on theviewbox.  In fact almost all pertinent information you need, can be found on theviewbox.  Also feel free to call or e-mail me with any questions or concerns you may have if you can't find an answer.


Again, I want to extend a warm welcome to you from our department.


Best Regards,