Export captions script

This script exports the captions from all images found in a directory and all its subdirectories in a tab-seperated text file.

How to use it:

    1. Install exiftool, as described here: Exiftool

    2. Download the file ExportCaptions.bat_txt from the attachements below in this page to wherever you want to put it (alongside exiftool seems like a logical approach)

    3. Rename the file so the extension is only .bat instead of .bat_txt (uploading .bat files isn't allowed on sites.google.com)

    4. Right-click on the .bat file and choose "Edit"

    5. Change the paths you want to change as explained here:

    6. Content of the .bat file:

    7. "C:\Programs\Exiftool\exiftool.exe" -recurse -table -directory -filename -xmp:description "C:\temp\ExtractCaptions" > "C:\temp\ExtractedCaptions.txt"

    8. Things you can change:

    9. - "C:\Programs\Exiftool\exiftool.exe": is the filepath where exiftool.exe is located, if you put it somewhere else, change this accordingly

    10. - "C:\temp\ExtractCaptions": the directory where your images are located, if your images are somewhere else, change this accordingly

    11. - "C:\temp\ExtractedCaptions.txt": the filepath where the tab separated file with the metadata will be placed

    12. Doubleclick the .bat file