Looks at how LXC Linux Containers can be used with Oracle RDBMS. This page is under construction and is atm a blog of findings, resources, steps, and discoveries in the LXC container space. This material hasn't been organized into well-structured content yet.

There are some packages that need to be installed in an LXC container after creation. So far, the list is as shown below. The package xdpyinfo is needed for X sessions, as is xauth, and bind-utils is needed to provide tools such as "nslookup" and related type tools for network lookups.

yum install xdpyinfo

yum install xauth

yum install bind-utils

One thing that arises if you use an LXC OEL (Oracle Enteprise Linux) template is that the "oracle" linux user is precreated on the template with UID 500. If UID 500 needs to be changed, the "oracle" user can be dropped and recreated using the instructions here about removing user accounts to drop the oracle user with UID 500. Then the "oracle" user can be recreated with the desired UID. Here is an example script to create (for example) all the users and groups for an Oracle "separation" environment where linux "grid" user owns the ASM instance and listener, and "oracle" linux user owns the RDBMS installation. The script shown is used for standalone Oracle GI / DB installs.