Report an Issue

If you have encountered any issues/bugs, please report it to us using the guidelines below either through email or post it in our forum. We will try our best to get it fixed as soon as possible.

Collect MX Player logs directly from the app:

Collect MX Player logs using MX Log Collector:

On some occasions, you can't even enter into the MX Player. On such case, you may require using MX log collector application to collect the log. It can be even used in normal conditions. It's a very small application which can be downloaded either from play store or from the website.

Collect complete system logs using MX Log Collector:

In Some cases, We may need complete system logs in order to identify the root cause of the issue. This method is almost same as the previous method. But, You have to grant the permission to MX Log collector in order to collect the system logs.

Collect complete system logs by using logcat:

In Some cases, You can't collect logs in any of the methods mentioned above like system level crash or a reboot. In such cases, you have to connect the device to a PC and collect the logs in real-time without disconnecting the device.