Wellness Policy

The Mattole Unified School District has developed a Wellness Policy that is focused on improving the health of students. The policy was developed by the health and wellness advisory council that includes teachers, parents, administrators and other staff members.

Our last triennial review/assessment of the Wellness Policy occurred in the Spring of 2022.

Key Areas of our Wellness Policy

Balance is essential for any Wellness Policy. Key areas include:

To view our current Student Wellness Board Policy please download the file below.

Sharing the Message of Wellness

One of our goals is to share the message of nutrition and wellness via our web site that emphasizes the importance of nutrition AND fitness. Our site provides information on the nutrition and fitness for teachers, parents, and students, as well as, a variety of learning tools.

Nutrition and Fitness

The winning recipe for a healthy lifestyle includes a combination of both good nutrition and physical activity. Your body needs a variety of nutrient rich foods to grow and prevent illness. And your body also needs to move and exercise every day.

Key things you need to know about leading a healthy lifestyle are:

Well-nourished students have higher test scores, increased school attendance, improved concentration, and improved classroom behavior. Students, who are physically fit, sleep better and are better able to handle the physical and emotional challenges that they encounter during the day.


Good nutrition leads to great academic performance. Your body needs healthy fuel to perform, to grow and to ward off illness and disease. Would you feed a million dollar racehorse junk food & soda? Of course not, so think about what you eat...because you are worth far more than a horse!

Good nutrition has a positive and direct impact on your ability to do well in school. When your nutritional needs are met, you have the cognitive energy to learn and achieve. You will be better prepared to learn, more likely to attend school, and are more apt to take advantage of learning opportunities.

Protein – Choose a variety of foods with lean protein

Protein is an indispensable nutrient and can be found throughout every tissue in our body. Protein is a vital source of energy but the most important function of protein is building and repairing tissue. We also need protein for our immune function, proteins transport vitamins and minerals throughout our body.

Grains – Make half of all the grains you eat whole grains

Eating grains, especially whole grains, provides health benefits. Dietary fiber from whole grains, may help reduce blood cholesterol levels and lower risk of heart disease, obesity, and type 2 diabetes. Grains are important sources of many nutrients, including several B vitamins, magnesium and selenium.

Vegetables – Make at least half of your plate fruits and vegetables

Eating vegetables provides health benefits — people who eat more vegetables and fruits as part of an overall healthy diet are likely to have a reduced risk of some chronic diseases. Vegetables provide nutrients vital for health and maintenance of your body.

Fruits – Make at least half of your plate fruits and vegetables

Eating fruit provides health benefits — people who eat more fruits and vegetables as part of an overall healthy diet are likely to have a reduced risk of some chronic diseases. Fruits provide nutrients vital for health and maintenance of your body.

Dairy – Always choose fat-free or low-fat (1%) milk

Milk and dairy products are especially important to bone health during school aged years, when bone mass is being built. It provides important sources of calcium, potassium and vitamin D, and help to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, and help to lower blood pressure in adults.


60 Minutes of Activity a Day...do it for life!

Fit "Fitness" into your busy day - It is important to your health and success. Whether it is walking the dog, running, or riding a bike... make physical activity one of the healthy habits in your daily life.

Get out and get active - limit sedentary activities. Student's lifestyles today are very different from their parents'. TV, video games, texting and online social networks are now replacing the neighborhood kickball game. Kids and teens are spending more time sitting and less time running, jumping and playing. Commit to staying active.

What are the Benefits? Students who are physically fit will...

Five Star

Mattole Unified School District Student Wellness Board Policy

Policy 5030 Student Wellness.pdf

In accordance with federal civil rights law and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) civil rights regulations and policies, this institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, age, or reprisal or retaliation for prior civil rights activity.

Program information may be made available in languages other than English. Persons with disabilities who require alternative means of communication to obtain program information (e.g., Braille, large print, audiotape, American Sign Language), should contact the responsible state or local agency that administers the program or USDA’s TARGET Center at (202) 720-2600 (voice and TTY) or contact USDA through the Federal Relay Service at (800) 877-8339.

To file a program discrimination complaint, a Complainant should complete a Form AD-3027, USDA Program Discrimination Complaint Form which can be obtained online at: https://www.usda.gov/sites/default/files/documents/ad-3027.pdf, from any USDA office, by calling (866) 632-9992, or by writing a letter addressed to USDA. The letter must contain the complainant’s name, address, telephone number, and a written description of the alleged discriminatory action in sufficient detail to inform the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights (ASCR) about the nature and date of an alleged civil rights violation. The completed AD-3027 form or letter must be submitted to USDA by:

1. mail:
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3. email: program.intake@usda.gov

This institution is an equal opportunity provider.


This institution is an equal opportunity provider.

Triennial Assessment of Wellness Policy 6/23/2022

Triennial Assessment Local Education Agencies (LEA’s) must conduct a comprehensive assessment of their Local School Wellness Policy (LSWP) a minimum of once every three years. The triennial assessment requirements are: 1) comparison to a model policy; 2) progress with the LSWP goals; and 3) compliance with the policy. LEA’s may choose their methods to meet the three requirements outlined above. LEA’s must also make the results of the triennial assessment available to the public. The most recent triennial assessment was conducted in 2022. The results of this triennial assessment were used when updating the 2022-2023 District Wellness Policy with approval of the District Wellness Committee on 3-23-2022 and approval of the Mattole Unified School District Governing Board on 6-23-2022. The District Wellness Committee members included site and district administrators, credentialed and classified staff, parents and community members.

MUSD School Wellnes Policy Triennial Assessment 2022.pdf

California Dept. of Education - Healthy Eating & Nutrition Education

Lunch Meal Pattern Grades K-12
