Current position

Past appointments

10/2014 - 09/2016

   Marie Curie postdoctoral fellow - COFUND (Beatriu de Pinós) programme

   Advisor: Prof. Carme Rovira

   Department of Chemistry, Organic Chemistry Section - University of Barcelona

04/2010 - 09/2014

   Postdoctoral researcher

   Advisor: Prof. Michael L. Klein

   Institute for Computational Molecular ScienceTemple University

10/2004 - 12/2009

   PhD student

   Supervisor: Prof. Carme Rovira

   Quantum Simulation of Biological Processes Group  - Barcelona Science Park  



  DFG Research Unit 2518 "Functional dynamics of ion channels and transporters - DynIon"

  Project:  "P6 - Proton transfer and substrate recognition in SLC17 transporters"

  Funding agency: Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft

  Co-PIs: Prof.  Paolo Carloni (FZJ, INM-9/IAS-5) and Prof.  Christoph Fahlke (FZJ, IBI-1)



   Networking doctoral positions 

   Project: "Multidisciplinary approach for mapping protein-protein interactions surfaces: From mass spectrometry to computational and cell biology"

   Funding agency: FZJ Board of Directors

   Co-PIs: Prof. Patricia Hidalgo (FZJ, IBI-1) and Dr. Beatrix Santiago-Schuebel (FZJ, ZEA-3).


   Doctoral position in Simulation and Data Sciences

   Project: "Prediction of ligand protein interactions and brain signaling cascades using machine learning approaches: olfaction as a test scenario"

   Funding agency: School for Simulation and Data Sciences

   Co-PIs: Prof. Marc Spehr (RWTH Aachen University) and Prof. Alejandro Giorgetti (FZJ).

Computer time grants


   GCS computer time grant

   Project Fluc-GS: "Exploring the F2 Site of the Fluc-Ec2 Channel through QM/MM-based Metadynamics Simulations".

   Funding agency: Gauss Centre for Supercomputing

   Core hours awarded: 16.98 million core-h (Jülich Supercomputing Centre - JUWELS)

   Co-PI: Dr. Emiliano Ippoliti (FZJ).


   NHR4CES@RWTH computer time grant

   Project p0020569: "Ligand selectivity and activation mechanism of the oxytocin receptor and impact of a disease-linked mutation".

   Funding agency: NHR4CES

   Core hours awarded: 1.5 million core-h (RWTH Compute Cluster - CLAIX)

   Co-PI: Prof. Paolo Carloni (FZJ) & Dr. Xiaojing Cong (IGF-CNRS).


   JARA-HPC computer time grant

   Project jara0165: "Molecular basis of agonist access control across bitter taste receptors".

   Funding agency: JARA-HPC

   Core hours awarded: 1.93 million core-h (RWTH Compute Cluster - CLAIX)

   Co-PI: Prof. Alejandro Giorgetti (FZJ).


   RES-BSC computer time grant

    Project BCV-2017-2-0004: "Modulation of glycinergic neurotransmission by light-switchable ligands".

    Funding agencies: Barcelona Supercomputing Center and Spanish Supercomputing Network

    Core hours awarded: 64,000 hours (MareNostrum IV CPU Supercomputer) + 360,000 hours (MinoTauro GPU cluster).


    RES-BSC computer time grant

    Project BCV-2016-3-0005: "Modulation of ligand-gated ion channels by light-switchable molecules (continuation)".

    Funding agencies: Barcelona Supercomputing Center and Spanish Supercomputing Network

    Core hours awarded: 32,000 hours (MareNostrum III CPU Supercomputer) + 120,000 hours (MinoTauro GPU cluster).


    RES-BSC computer time grant

    Project BCV-2016-2-0002: "Modulation of ligand-gated ion channels by light-switchable molecules".

    Funding agencies: Barcelona Supercomputing Center and Spanish Supercomputing Network.

    Core hours awarded: 120,000 hours (MinoTauro GPU cluster).


    RES-BSC computer time grant

    Project BCV-2016-1-0003: "Structural and mechanistic insight into cancer-associated mutants of isocitrate dehydrogenase (continuation)".

    Funding agencies: Barcelona Supercomputing Center and Spanish Supercomputing Network.

    Core hours awarded: 200,000 hours (MareNostrum III CPU supercomputer) + 120,000 hours (MinoTauro GPU cluster).


    RES-BSC computer time grant

    Project BCV-2015-3-0007: "Structural and mechanistic insight into cancer-associated mutants of isocitrate dehydrogenase".

    Funding agencies: Barcelona Supercomputing Center and Spanish Supercomputing Network.

    Core hours awarded: 360,000 hours (MareNostrum III CPU supercomputer) + 160,000 hours (MinoTauro GPU cluster)




   PhD degree

   Autonomous University of Barcelona (Spain).

   Research performed at the Barcelona Science Park.

   PhD dissertation: "Study of the reactivity of catalases by means of ab initio molecular dynamics" (Link).


   Master degree

   Institute of Biotechnology and Biomedicine, Autonomous University of Barcelona (Spain).

   Inter-university programme "Structure and function of proteins".


    Degree in Biochemistry

    University of Barcelona (Spain).

    Prize for excellence as undergraduate student.


   Degree in Chemistry

   University of Barcelona (Spain).

Fellowships and awards


    Postdoctoral fellowship Marie Curie / Beatriu de Pinós

    Funding agencies: Marie Curie COFUND action (European Union - FP7) and AGAUR (Generalitat de Catalunya).


    Postdoctoral fellowship Beatriu de Pinós (outgoing phase)

    Funding agency: AGAUR (Generalitat de Catalunya).


    PhD fellowship for training of research personnel

    Funding agency: AGAUR (Generalitat de Catalunya).


    Pre-doctorate scholarship

    Funding agency: Barcelona Science Park (Spain).



    Prize for excellence as undergraduate student

    Biochemistry class, University of Barcelona (Spain).