
2020 - present.  Covid came and went.  Phu graduated and went to the Flatiron in NY.  Well done, Phu.  4 new students joined.  Welcome Augustine, Rutika, Tania, Chris (co-advised with Prof. Poget).   

11/16/2019  Congratulations to Dr. Kaushik Chakraborty on his new position at CubeBio AI!  We will miss Kaushik and we wish him the best of luck.   

6/19/2019  Congratulations to Dr. Anjela Manandhar on her successful defense of her PhD thesis entitled, "Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Self Assemblies in Biology and Bionanotechnology."     


Sharon is enjoying sabbatical.  She had a great time visiting the Center for Computation and Theory of Soft Materials at Northwestern University, the Department of Materials Chemistry at Nagoya University, and enjoyed visiting the Chemical and Biological Engineering Department at Princeton University.  She also gave invited talks at Temple University, NJIT, Lehigh and Stony Brook University.  The group also attended the ACS meeting in Orlando, giving a total of five talks and one poster.  Sharon gave an invited talk in the Peptide Materials Symposium in the ACS PMSE Division.  Sharon is inspired and re-energized by all the great science she has seen so far on sabbatical.  She thanks her hosts for their kindness and generosity.


Congratulations to Dr. Kaushik Chakraborty for the acceptance of his paper, "Molecular Mechanism for the Role of the H2A and H2B Histone Tails in Nucleosome Repositioning" in Journal of Physical Chemistry B!


Phu passes his second level proposal!  The group is happy and celebrates with ice cream at Max Brenner's!


Phu, Anjela, and Kaushik present posters at the NY Structural Biology Discussion group summer meeting.  Anjela gives a "flash talk."


Dr. Loverde gives invited talk in NYC at the World Congress in Computational Mechanics.


Dr. Loverde receives NSF CAREER Award!  We are very grateful for the support of NSF DMR CMMT.


Dr. Loverde gives invited talk at CCNY Chemistry.


Dr. Loverde gives invited talk at the 2017 Annual Meeting of the APS Mid-Atlantic Section held at NJIT:


The group attends the 254th ACS National Meeting in Washington DC.  In total, the group gives five talks and one poster in three different ACS Divisions.

Dr. Loverde co-organizes symposium on Simulations of Polymer Materials with 4 sessions with nearly 40 speakers in total.


Congratulations to Mihaela Drenscko for successful defense of her PhD thesis on "Characterization of Hydrophobic Interactions of Polymers with Water and With Phospholipid Membranes"!


Congratulations to Anjela Manandhar for receiving the consolation prize for her poster on large-scale simulations of microtubules at the Summer New York Structural Biology Discussion Group meeting!!!


Congrats to Kaushik Chakraborty on the accceptance of his manuscript on "Asymmetric Breathing Motions of Nucleosomal DNA and the Role of Histone Tails" in JCP!


The group attends the 91st regional ACS Colloid and Surface Science Symposium at CCNY July 9th-July12th.


The group welcomes Serina Hu and Susannah O'Shea for their summer research!


The group congratulates high school student Serina Hu for being named a semifinalist in the 2017 Regeneron high school research competition!

Also congratulations to Myungshim Kang for winning a CUNY scholarship to travel to the upcoming Biophysical Society meeting and present her results on atomistic and coarse-grained simulations of supramolecular peptide-based filaments!