How to Submit

The Longhorsley Tree contains notices of community events and group meetings, articles and news of interest to the residents of Longhorsley.

It does not publish individual opinion or campaign on behalf of any cause.

We deliver to about 420 homes in St Helen's parish (see map) and we leave copies in several places around the village.

We aim to deliver by the 1st of every month but we don't publish in August or January.

We do not make a charge to publicise a community event, but if you want to advertise a commercial businesses, see How to Advertise

Making Submissions

Please send submissions by email to

Submissions must be sent by the 20th of each month for publication at the beginning of the following month.

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Length of Submissions

Can You Help, Thanks and publicity for groups or events should be no longer than 10 lines - normally about 100 words.

If you are submitting an image it should be no more than 5cm high and 12.8cm wide.

Images, including posters, will be published on the web version at no more than 560 pixels wide.

Articles should be no longer than 20 lines - normally about 200 words.

Articles must not be more than 33 lines - about 350 words.

Exceptionally, and by prior agreement, we can include a full page article of 44 lines - about 450 words.

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Format of Submissions

The Longhorsley Tree is published on A5 with 1cm margins using Arial 11pt font.

We would prefer you to use one of our templates for submissions.

Tree Submission Template.doc     (Word Document)

Tree Submission Template.odt     (Open Document)

You don't have to use this document - we can cope with most common formats except PUB.

If you send a Word document a DOC is best - we don't use Microsoft Office so DOCX documents may loose their format.

If your submission is over 100 words and in an uneditable format (eg JPG or PDF) please include the text somewhere so we don't have to retype it if we need to edit it.

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Copyright Permission

If you include any extracts from published material (words or images) make sure you have the copyright holder's permission.

Note that just because it's available on the internet does not necessarily mean it is free of copyright - this includes images on Pinterest.  

Web content is already copyrighted and protected the moment it’s created - any "Copyright. All rights reserved." notice is just a formal notice of the fact.

This applies to images inserted using the Microsoft Office [Insert Online Image] feature - see Add online pictures or clip art to your file

If you use a Microsoft template Microsoft owns the copyright but allows you to use the media elements subject to certain restrictions. (Details here)

You can find copyright-free images at sites such as,,, and or

Using Google Image search you can set [Tools] [Usage Rights] to 'Creative Commons licence' or the Creative Commons search but do not assume that the search results are copyright free.
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Photography Laws

Any photographs must abide by the photography laws of the UK and have appropriate permissions, especially if a subject is under 18 years old.

A general guide is available on the Photographers’ rights webpage of the British Life Photography Awards website.

This includes a comment that you can photograph people and buildings without needing permission, providing you are in a public place.

A public place is usually a place to which the public are allowed to have access freely and without payment or permission.
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Editing Submissions

The editors

... may reformat into the house style

    For example, the first couple of lines of an event or group meeting show the event, date(s), time and place

    and the last couple of lines show the contact's FirstName LastName 788xxx emailAddress Website URL or facebook page name

    We normally:

        highlight key dates in bold and show time in this format - 7am and 9:30pm.

        don't add full stops to abbreviations - so it's St Helen's, eg, etc.

        only use capital letters for proper nouns and titles.

        use 'and' rather than '&' except when space is limited or it makes the meaning clearer - for example, 'black & white and colour'

... may make minor changes to avoid typesetting widows and orphans (one word on a line)

... will try to correct obvious mistakes - including spelling

... may not correct grammar or punctuation (unless the article does not make sense otherwise)

The editors may need to increase or decrease the size of submissions to fit the space available.

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