Common Questions about Worship at First Congregational

When you walk through the doors at First Congregational UCC on Sunday morning, you can expect a warm greeting from members of the congregation. Here's some other information you may find useful about worshipping with us:

What should I wear?

Wear what makes you comfortable. Members of our congregation come from all walks of life and you can see it in the way we dress.

What happens at a typical worship service?

You’ll receive a bulletin when you arrive that will layout the plan for that Sunday’s worship. This includes a mix of prayer, song, scripture readings and a sermon.

How long is a typical worship service?

Most worship services last about an hour.

Do I have to be a church member to take communion?

All are welcome at God’s table. You don’t have to be a member of First Congregational UCC or the United Church of Christ to partake. You are welcome.