Audio/Visio links


Why US schools are embracing epbooks and ipads - BBC Click: the world of technology acroos the BBC

Tom's Diner - Suzanne Vega describes the genesis of her song and sings it.

The difference between the UK and GB etc - Video explaining the difference between political terms, such as, the United Kingdom, and geographical terms, such as, Great Britain.

The Cure - It's Friday, I'm in Love - listen and identify the stressed words, then group them according to their pronunciation

Real Cities - Link for models on how to present your town.

My city - Link for models on how to present your town.

J K Rowling - Who do you think you are?

Don't try this abroad - Funny stories involving misunderstandings in foreign languages

A Minute to Win It - Australian version of the gameshow

50 States in the USA - Names of the 50 states of the USA