
Post date: May 24, 2016 2:8:30 AM

Taiji is an ancient Chinese exercise for health and fitness. The exercise is a series of slow stretching, turning and balancing movements, often referred to as "meditation in motion". The many health benefits include stress reduction, more energy, lower blood pressure, better sleep, increased strength and balance, and overall wellness. Anyone can learn Taiji. It is perfect for any age or fitness level. There are many different styles, some more challenging than others. Taiji benefits gets better the more you practice, learn, and join the fun with others.

The Great Lakes Taiji Association helps to promote, teach and inform the public about the cultural, health, and exercise benefits of Taiji practice, including sponsoring classes, performances, and news information Each year The GLTA brings together many of the great lakes area Taiji clubs for an annual Taiji Performance Festival. Last year the Performance Festival featured two dozen Taiji clubs and Taiji Masters, performing many different styles of Taiji. More than 250 people joined in the Festival. This year US and Canada Great Lakes Taiji Festival will be held on October 29th from 2 pm to 5:30 pm at UM Dearborn. The location is 4901 Evergreen Rd Dearborn, MI 48128.

To register to the Festival, please double click on To Register to fill and submit the form.

For more information about Taiji clubs at great lakes area or the 2016 US and Canada Great Lakes Taiji Performance Festival on October 29, contact danschott3@gmail.com.

一年一度的深受五大湖及周边地区众多太极爱好者喜爱的五大湖地区太极观摩演示交流会今年的举办日期是十月二十九日(星期六)下午,时间暂定为下午2PM到5:30PM。地点在密西根大学迪尔邦分校 (University of Michigan Dearborn)体育馆,具体地址是:4901 Evergreen Rd Dearborn, MI 48128。目前各项主要筹备工作业已就绪,组委会已开始接受报名。请有意参加交流会的太极队通过五大湖太极协会网站 www.greatlaketaiji.org (点击“To Register”)填写、提交报名表。如有任何问题,欢迎大家打电话或送电子邮件询问组委会。


多年以来,广大太极运动和太极文化爱好者对这一本地区最大的太极盛会倾注了极大的热情。也得到了 不少华人社团和组织的大力支持。组委会要特别感谢底特律中国人协会、密西根大学孔子学院、北美华人体协等。感谢他们多年以来对太极交流会的一如既往的支持!同时也希望得到更多的商家、社团及个人的支持,具体细节请直接与组委会联系:

刘 杭 (734) 233-4116 hangliu889@hotmail.com

李松年 (734) 883-1602 songnianli2005@yahoo.com

张迺楠 (734) 434-2606 nainan59@gmail.com

Great Lakes Taiji Performance Festival Organization Committee
