
The ability to use also the towers as a game element opens up new game variants.

The simplest would be a Tic-Tac-Toe between 2 players.

Get off on the board only, with no tower. The towers are placed next to the board, ordered by size.

Each player has 3 balls of the same colour (White for the first to play and Brown for the second).

As in the normal Tic-Tac-Toe game, players alternately place the balls and then move them along the empty towers.

In each move, a player must move a ball of his color, and this can be done in the following ways:

-Place a ball together with a tower in an empty hole in the board (the initial plays must be this way).

-Move a ball from one tower to another that we have previously placed in an empty hole (this will be the second type of movement, until all the towers are placed in the holes of the board.

- Swap two towers, one with a ball of our color and the other empty.

The goal is to get all 3 balls in a straight line that is not interrupted by an opposing ball.

Pay atention! If the line is interrupted by a tower with a ball that is not exactly in the line of the other three, it is considered valid.

In the case of verifying the existence of a winning strategy, in the following games the first one to play will be forbidden to start the game with this strategy. After the first move, the game remains the same as before.