
Programmation GPU pour l'apprentissage

Goran Frehse, ENSTA Paris

26/02/2024 - 11/03/2024: La première partie du cours est ici :


Rappel :

TP noté : implémenter une multiplication de matrices sur GPU avec tiling en utilisant le modèle ici.
à envoyer par mail à goran.frehse@ensta-paris.fr avant le 29/03/2024 17h.


Course: Linear Classification
Lab: Implementing Essential Matrix Operations (pas noté)

For parallelizing sums (optional) : see slides 37ff on dot product here (simply omit the product part)


Course: Using fmatrix in Python
Lab: Linear Classification (à soumettre avant le 08/04/2024 à 17h, *TP noté!*)

compare with results on Tensorflow here.


Course :   From linear classifcation to neural networks (link to Caltech CS 179)

Quizz Linear Classification (due before the end of the session)


     Lab: Neural Networks (pas noté)

En cas de problème  :

Erratum (13/03/2023): In file fmatrix.cu, please deactivate the following line (by adding // at the beginning):

24 : //    fmatrix_assert(mat);

Erratum (13/03/2023): COLAB has changed the directory structure. If you get an error message 

fatal error: helper_cuda.h: No such file or directory

then you need to update the include directory in the command line. Instead of 

!nvcc -g -G -I /usr/local/cuda/samples/common/inc/ ... (broken)

you need to download the files with

  !git clone https://github.com/NVIDIA/cuda-samples.git

and then use

!nvcc -g -G -I cuda-samples/Common/ ... (should work)

Extra material:

FAQ for Colab and CUDA