Ratios and Unit Rates


Menu of items to help you with this module

Strategies you can use throughout this module:

Ratio Table

Tape Diagram

Double Number Line

Coordinate Plane


Topic A: Representing and Reasoning with ratios

Lesson 1-2: Ratios

LZ580 Understanding ratio terminology


Lessons 3-4: Equivlent Ratios

LZ608 Using a ratio table

LZ589 Solving ratio problems using a tape diagram

Lessons 5-6: Solving Problems by Finding Equivalent Ratios

Lesson 7: Associated Ratios and the Value of a Ratio

Lesson 8: Equivalent Ratios Defined Through the Value of a Ratio

Topic B: Equivalent Ratios

Lesson 9: Collections of Equivalent Ratios

LZ321: Compare ratios using a ratio table

Lesson 10: Using a ratio table to find missing ratios

LZ318: Finding Missing Ratios using a table

Lesson 11: Comparing Ratios Using Ratio Tables

LZ321 Comparing ratios using a ratio table

LZ608 Using ratio tables to solve problems

Lesson 12: From Ratio Tables to Double Number Lines

LZ609 Ratios and double number lines

Lesson 13: Ratio Tables to Equations

Lesson 14: Plotting a Ratio on a Coordinate Graph

LZ611 Plot ratios on a coordinate graph

Lesson 15: Putting it all together: Equivalent Ratios

Topic C: Unit Rates

Terms for this section:


unit rate

rate unit- the label of the rate

Lesson 16: From ratios to rates

Lesson 17: Rates to Ratios

Lesson 18: Finding a rate by dividing 2 quantities

Lesson 19: Comparison Shopping-- Unit Price and Related Measurement Conversions

LZ868-- Find the best deal by comparing unit rates (unit rate= unit price)

Lesson 20: Unit Price and Related Measurement Conversions (using a graph)

LZ1196 Finding a Unit Rate Using a Graph (Dependent and independent variables may be terms with which you're not familiar. It is not necessary to kinow them to understand this video)

Lesson 21, 22, and 23: Speed, Work, and Measurement Units **(See conversion chart at the bottom of this page)

Lesson 23

Topic D: Percent

Lesson 24: Percent and Rates per 100

Click HERE to access a site you can use to explore what a percent looks like. What does 20% look like (20 blocks out of 100) and so on.

Lesson 25: A Fraction as a Percent

Lesson 26: Percent of a Quantity

Lesson 27, 28, and 29: Solving Percent Problems