Fertilizer mold

Fertilizer mold

Sometimes impurities appear in fertilizer chemicals causing solutions to cloud or develop sediment or mold. This is normal and harmless. To avoid such a nuisance add few drops of local fish store fungus liquid medication or Flourish Excel into the fertilizer solution.


Can the medication harm my fish or plants?

No because it is so small quantity it doesn’t have any chance.

What if I did that and still have mold?

Add few more drops.

What if I have sandy residue on the bottom?

Maybe your tap water is too hard to dissolve the chemicals so next time try RO or distilled water. If you still have some sand like on the bottom then it is only chemical impurities and does no harm.

Is it necessary to keep liquid solutions in fridge?

No, but it may help in very hot humid regions.

Is it necessary to keep liquid solutions in the dark?

No, but direct sunlight should be avoided.