Analogical Minds Seminar

Analogical Minds is a weekly online seminar dedicated to exploring the role of analogy, metaphor, and relational processes in cognition and learning. Our speakers discuss research from a wide range of disciplinary perspectives, including cognitive and developmental psychology, education, neuroscience, computational modelling, and artificial intelligence. Seminars take place online on Thursdays from 11:00 am – 12:30 pm US Central Time unless otherwise stated in the program below. 

To attend, please register via one of the following options:

The Analogical Minds Seminar is organised by Margarita Pavlova (New Bulgarian University), Matthew Slocombe (Birkbeck, University of London), Yinyuan Zheng (Northwestern University), and Priya Kalra (Western University). 

Seminar program

The Analogical Minds Seminar is currently taking a break, although we will be back soon. In the meantime, please visit our archive here, where you can find recordings of over 60 seminars exploring analogical processes in minds, brains and machines! If you would like to organise a seminar or symposium for Analogical minds, please contact us at