Teacher educator

This section displays the projects I have worked on from a teacher educator perspective. This is followed by presentations and workshops I have given so far.


Interviewing a teacher  |  Study week  |  2019

Promoting Professionalism, Innovation and Transnational Collaboration in Foreign and Second Language Teacher Education (ProPIC) is an Erasmus+ project (2017-1-DE01-KA203-003547), which ran from September 2017 to September 2020. It was initiated by the University of Education Karlsruhe and brought together five European partners: Newcastle University (UK), the University of Barcelona (Spain), the University of Boras (Sweden), the University of Kiel (Germany) and the University of Education Karlsruhe (Germany). Our purpose was to engage foreign and second language teachers and teacher educators in lifelong learning processes that foster a culture of self-reflection and innovation with the aid of mobile technologies and digital tools. Together, the partner universities developed an alternative study program that included a study week abroad where the exchange students got to know other education systems and practices and documented their learning experiences on a digital portfolio.


CIELE stands for “La competencia interaccional en el aula de español como lengua extranjera” (Eng. Interactional competence in the Spanish as a foreign language classroom).  CIELE is a seminar that seeks to promote awareness among prospective Spanish teachers about the importance of classroom interaction for language learning. I designed and implemented an interdisciplinary seminar where the students observed and analyzed video recorded classroom sequences employing a conversation analytic perspective. Approaching classroom data in this way, I aimed at facilitating students practice-oriented opportunities to link Spanish language to applied linguistics and didactics. 

University of Kiel |  Presenting CIELE at the "Tag der Lehre"  |  2017

Classrooms are institutional settings where language teaching and learning take place through face to face interaction, and conversation analytic research on classroom interaction provides us with concepts and tools to explore and better understand interactional practices. Prospective Spanish teachers -and teachers in general- should benefit from an early understanding of the interactional features of this context and the resources employed by teachers and pupils within interaction. This awareness and understanding might guide to more adequate and effective didactic decisions in the practice. Additionally, if this exploration is conducted with Spanish data and in Spanish, prospective teachers have access to the target language in use. In this sense, CIELE has elements of both Spanish for specific purposes and content and language integrated learning (CLIL).    

Was ist CIELE? (in German)

Hier befindet sich ein Beitrag für den Blog Innovative Lehre der Universität Kiel. Der Blog-Beitrag, den ich zusammen mit meiner Projekthilfskraft geschrieben habe,  schildert die Entstehung und das Ziel des Projektes sowie die Schwierigkeiten, die bei dessen Durchführung aufgetreten sind.


Murillo Wilstermann, I.  (2019, October) Los portafolios digitales en la formación inicial docente: revisión y perspectivas. Presentation in the context of an Erasmus+ teaching mobility experience. University of Iceland, Reykjavík, Iceland. (in Spanish)

In the Summer term 2019 I had conducted a Spanish seminar at the University of Kiel employing digital portfolios with the objective of documenting course activities, enhancing my students' digital competences and as a product for the examination. The following presentation describes this teaching experience, considering its achievements and flaws. This reflection leads to a set of questions that I aim to respond with the help of references and a discussion with my audience.

Presentación ePortafolio_20191010.pptx

Murillo Wilstermann, I.  (2018, February) La competencia interaccional en el aula de español como lengua extranjera: un curso de lengua y didáctica dirigido a futuros docentes de español. Presentation at the Enseñanza de Español como Lengua Extranjera en Contextos Universitarios y Profesionales conference at the University of Applied Languages, Munich, Germany. (in Spanish)

This presentation portrays part of my work in 2017 in many ways. First, I had applied for funding -which was granted- to develop a Spanish Didactics seminar at the University of Kiel. Second, my perspective regarding the use of Spanish in the classroom is bidirectional and includes the learners' contributions in communication. This was possible after learning about Conversation Analysis as an approach to investigate interactional practices and language learning in the classroom. Third, it displays my experience and my evaluation about it. It constitutes an example of Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) which aims at benefiting my own practice and my students' learning.

Tagung UNIPRO_20180419.pdf

Murillo Wilstermann, I.  & Oesterle, M. (2016, September) The use of mobile technologies for teacher training purposes: challenges, risks and learning potential of using Video Enhanced Observation. Presentation at the Mobile Learning in Teacher Education conference at Bergen University College, Bergen, Norway. (in English)

I prepared and held this presentation in collaboration with Mareike Oesterle,  teacher and research assistant from the University of Education Karlsruhe. She had been working on an European project (VEO Europa), which employs Video Enhanced Observation (VEO) to foster teacher development. I met her because I was searching for technology-enhanced ways to benefit my students' preparation as teachers at the University of Kiel. Our talk had two sections. Firstly, the features of VEO for teacher training and, secondly, its integration in a Spanish didactics seminar at the University of Kiel. 


Murillo Wilstermann, I.  (2015, March) Características del discurso docente: las instrucciones. Presentation at the 5. Teaching Symposium of Spanish as a Foreign Language at Instituto Cervantes Hamburg, Germany. (in Spanish)

This presentation combined theory with an opportunity for practice. I aimed at raising awareness among my fellow Spanish teachers of the relevance of the activity-initiating instructions. My approach was rather unidirectional, focused on the teacher and his/her classroom talk. The literature I was reading at that time explored classroom discourse from the teacher's perspective. 

PPT Instrucciones_21.03.2015.pdf

Murillo Wilstermann, I.  (2014, March) La evaluación de la expresión oral en el aula de E/LE: retos y propuestas. Presentation at the Hispanic Teaching Symposium at the University of Bremen, Germany. (in Spanish)

I spent seven months in Canada, where I had a fantastic experience as an English student. The course that impacted me the most was "oral presentations". Our teacher recorded every speech we gave to our group and we analyzed our talk and the body language. When I was appointed a Spanish oral production course at the University of Bremen, I knew I had to include video, peer-feedback and reflection into our program. In this presentation I described this experience and discussed its difficulties and learning opportunities as well. 


Murillo Wilstermann, I.  (2014, February) El e-portafolio en la formación de profesores de E/LE: una propuesta para combinar reflexión, metas y acción. Presentation at the 28. Teaching Symposium of German Universities' Language Centers at the Braunschweig University of Technology, Germany. (in Spanish)

In 2014 I was working at the University of Bremen and most of my students were prospective Spanish teachers. Given this situation, I started thinking of ways of enhancing their language learning in combination with their future role as Spanish teachers. This presentation is one of my first steps into my emerging role as a teacher educator.



Programación de una unidad didáctica: objetivos, contenidos y evaluación  | Planing a lesson: objectives, contents and evaluation (2008, 2009, 2010 & 2012)

Four-hour workshop at the Instituto Cervantes Hamburg within a Spanish as a foreign language introductory course for prospective teachers.

La evaluación formativa de la expresión oral y escrita  |  Formative evaluation of written and oral expression (2009 & 2011) 

Four-hour workshop at the Instituto Cervantes Hamburg within a Spanish as a foreign language introductory course for prospective teachers.

El portfolio de competencia escrita en la clase de ELE  |  Implementing and evaluating a writing portfolio in the Spanish classroom (2009)

Four-hour workshop at the Instituto Cervantes Bremen within the regular teacher training program.