Energy Resources and Consumption

How does the world obtain and use energy?

Developing Understanding: This unit examines human use of renewable and nonrenewable sources of energy and its impact on the environment. Energy consumption differs throughout the world and the availability of natural energy resources depends on the region's geologic history. Subsequent units will examine the impact of human activity on the atmosphere, land and water.

Enduring Understanding: Humans use energy from a variety of sources, resulting in positive and negative consequences.


Energy Resources and Consumption Study Guide
Renewable Energy Resources
Nonrenewable Energy Resources
APES in a BOX Biomass.mp4
APES in a BOX Charcoal.m4v
APES in a BOX Coal Review.mp4
APES in a BOX Electricity Generation.m4v
APES in a Box Geothermal Energy Production.m4v
APES in a BOX Hydroelectric Power.mp4
APES in a BOX Natural Gas.mp4
APES in a BOX Nuclear Power.mp4
APES in a BOX Oil.m4v
APES in a BOX Passive Solar.m4v
APES in a BOX Shale and Tar.mp4
APES in a BOX Types of coal.mp4
APES in a BOX Wind Power.mp4
Hydroelectric Power.m4v
Non-renewable and Mining_Large.mp4

Here is the ppt that goes with that video, as well as a worksheet to help you follow along.


Google Slides and worksheet for this video