Tests & Assignments

The final test can be downloaded from here

A sample final test can be found here.

A notebook template for the final test can be downloaded from here.

Notice that the files are inside a zipped folder and need to be extracted to the same folder.

For the group assignment, each group should download the set of slides below and the Pluto notebook.

The link to the notebook on the right was broken: it has been repaired on Monday, 11 April, 12:30h.

  • The Pluto notebook "Group_Assignment.jl" can be downloaded in a zipped file from here.

  • The static HTML version of the notebook can be found here.

  • This notebook is a kind of roadmap for the assignment. It illustrates in a detailed manner all the computational code required to answer all questions. Each group should adapt the code in the notebook to their own data set.

  • To answer the questions presented in the slides, just follow the notebook and introduce minor changes to the code already available in its structure.

  • The zipped file includes (besides the notebook itself):

    • Two data files (.csv) were used in the notebook.

    • An Excel file with the original data downloaded from FRED, so one can check the difference between a raw Excel file (My_data2.xls) and a cleaned CSV file (My_data2.csv).

    • An Excel file with data that is required for the assignment's answers (BLS_data2021.xls). This file was not used in the current notebook.

    • An HTML static version of the notebook, which can be used for copy+past code, if one wants to produce changes in the original notebook.

    • A notebook template for possible use in the report can be found here.