Cayden P

Musician Bio

My favorite color is red. In my free time I like to play on my computer. I played keyboard.

I think music is important because people sing with their feelings.

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Hip Hop and Rap

Create a beat and record or write a rap

Hip Hop and Rap - Cayden P Soundtrap.webm

Music and Emotion

Compose a piece of music that makes you feel the same way your favorite song makes you feel.

Untitled song - Cayden P Soundtrap.webm


Create a TikTok inspired mash-up by taking parts of different songs and putting them together.

Music and Emotion-Cayden P-Soundtrap.webm

Theme song

Write the lyrics to a theme song about your life. Then record it into Soundtrap with music.

Theme Song - Cayden P Soundtrap.webm