Welcome to Miller Grove Middle School. You have selected this category because your child completed the 5th, 6th, or 7th grade at another DeKalb County school and you need to register him/her as a 6th, 7th, or 8th grader at Miller Grove Middle School. If you are unaware if your address is in Miller Grove Middle School's attendance zone, please go to the following website: http://www.dekalbschoolsga.net/operations/school-locator/ or click here.

Once you have verified that your address is in Miller Grove Middle School's attendance zone, you will proceed to the following steps:

Step 1:

Withdraw your child from their previous DeKalb County school by contacting that school and following their withdrawal process.

Step 2:

Complete and submit the following form for each child (if registering multiple children).

Step 3:

Upload 1 proof of residency and a valid ID (driver's license, passport, visa) to the Infinite Campus Parent Portal App into the annual verification tab. If you need directions for this process, please view the video here. If you do not have a parent portal account, please contact Tamesha Favors at tamesha_favors@dekalbschoolsga.org. You must have a parent portal account to complete this step.

*Notice: Your proof of residency must fall into Miller Grove Middle School's attendance zone. This will be checked for accuracy. The proof of residency must be in the parent/guardian's name or an affidavit must be completed. Please email Registrar directly if you have questions regarding the affidavit process.

Step 4:

You will receive a confirmation email from Infinite Campus. Please bring this email to the school for further instructions.

** Note- All four steps must be completed prior to arriving at the school building.